Friday, March 7, 2014

Scottish independence: UK Government Minister Danny Alexander says no currency union is final as Salmond and Sturgeon get their ‘experts’ to rehash plan A, unpopular Nicola Sturgeon tries to create a sense of history with a Braveheart style quote, a miserable pathetic reply

Dear All

Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon have been told No to a currency union with the UK.

So, they are putting on an act by getting their ‘expert’ group to do more work to try and sell this to Scots.

No means No.

Within what passes for the Yes Camp, they have been put on pause by the SNP until a new report is done.

Dissent in the ranks with the junior partners or the ‘indy hostages’, the Greens and SSP think they really have input.

They don’t!

Now, the Unionists in the shape of Danny Alexander have issued the last word on Salmond’s con trick by saying that a monetary union between an independent Scotland and the rest of the UK is not happening and that decision is final.

Alexander says the concept is akin to "embarking on a damaging divorce" but insisting on still sharing a credit card.

And to place yourself at an undue risk!

As Alexander set out his reasons for rejecting the Scottish Government's preferred currency solution, we should remember the inept manner that the Alex Salmond Party within the SNP have brought his failing government to.

The SNP’s ‘master strategists’ have yet again have been outplayed, outfought and outclassed.

The cross-party decision to rule it out was final.

In Edinburgh for a speech to the National Association of Pension Funds, he dismissed suggestions that the rejection of a monetary union, which would see an independent Scotland keep the pound, was a politically-motivated and tactical move.

This is the line used by the SNP.

With a formal monetary union was ruled out by Chancellor George Osborne, Mr Alexander and Labour shadow chancellor Ed Balls several weeks ago, the pressure is back on Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon to come up with a plan B, not rehash plan A which was smoke and mirrors anyway.

Scottish Ministers said the announcement was a "campaign tactic".

It isn’t and it shows how the Scottish National Party under the current leadership are incompetent.

On Wednesday MSPs on Holyrood's Economy Committee were told by the leader of the fiscal commission working group, Crawford Beveridge, that Mr Osborne was not being serious.

This raises the obvious question, does Beveridge have proof of his assumption which makes it viable?

The answer is No!

Salmond’s working group which pretends to be independent is just following the SNP line; as such you cannot take them seriously.

They will recommend again a formal monetary union as the best option for an independent Scotland.

So, the decision to vote No is reinforced by the ‘experts’!

Danny Alexander said:

"I've seen some people suggest we are not serious about refusing a currency union. Let's call this the John McEnroe defence. Except in this instance it's not just one person they're shouting at, but three. And our decision - taken in the best interests of Scotland and the rest of the UK - is final. No ifs, no buts. No matter how much of a racket they make, it isn't going to change."

And on that happy note so died Alex Salmond currency union plans!

Alexander also called for the Scottish Government to "deal with the consequences" of the rejection of a monetary union, and publish a so-called Plan B.

So, what is Plan B or what should plan B be?

A Scottish pound!

It was always a Scottish pound and the fact that Salmond and Sturgeon used it as a ‘campaign tactic’ shows how little they grasp the problems.

Alexander added that Yes campaigners were "ignoring political and economic realities".

And the reality is that you have to plan for everything, and expect to get nothing.

We have reached the end of another bad week in the Scottish independence campaign for the SNP clique; you have shown that they aren’t talented as Salmond would have us believe.

Unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said Mr Alexander should have used his visit to Edinburgh "to apologise to people the length and breadth of Scotland for the policies his Tory-led Government is imposing on them".

Did she adapt this from the movie Braveheart where Mel Gibson said to the English:

“Lower your flags and march straight back to England, stopping at every home you pass by to beg forgiveness for a hundred years of theft, rape, and murder. Do that and your men shall live. Do it not, and every one of you will die today”.

Angry wee Nat Nicola Sturgeon trying to create a sense of history, the people of Scotland won’t follow her to the end of the street.

Maybe she should go home and start plotting how to put the entire blame for the failure squarely on Salmond’s shoulders.

As a ‘rat’ she will need a plan B for that!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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