Monday, March 10, 2014

Scottish independence: SNP group leader on Scotland's largest council Graeme Hendry to resign as leader in May, 'leader' cites personal reasons for bailing out, George Laird right again, he was a caretaker leader

Dear All

Glasgow SNP group leader Graeme Hendry is to step down.

There is of course an argument to say that he never stepped up in the first place.

When he took over the position of leader, following the death of the completely ineffectual Allison Hunter, I immediately said he like his predecessor was a ‘caretaker’ leader.

George Laird right again.

During her tenure as leader, Sturgeon proxy, Allison Hunter was woefully out of her depth; the SNP group was little better than a rabble of malcontents up their own arse and doing their own thing.

Ms. Hunter didn’t do leadership.

Cometh the hour didn’t cometh the leader.

In 2012, Ms. Hunter led the SNP to a historic defeat in Glasgow of epic proportions; she played her part as the small footnote on the road to defeat in the Scottish independence campaign.

She helped lay the slabs in Glasgow!

I watched her dreadful performance at the Sunny Govan radio hustings, not leader of men material at all.

At other events she had to ask the panel to confirm what the details were of what they were discussing.

Not a leader and not an eye for detail, so what was her ‘talent’, well, she was Sturgeon election agent.

Councillor Graeme Hendry will stand aside from the role on Glasgow City Council in May.

Presumably this is to allow Francis Scally to practice public speaking and talking about Freedommmmmmm!

Scally is the heir to Sturgeon!

Hendry cited personal reasons for his decision and said he wanted a better work-life balance.

Really, what did he achieve?

Other than broken promises of holding Glasgow Labour Party to account!

Answers on a postcard, usual terms and conditions apply.

This is the year that is probably the most important in the SNP's history and the leader of the SNP Group is failing to provide leadership, what does that say about Team Sturgeon?

Answers on a postcard, usual terms and conditions apply.

It seems that unpopular Nicola Sturgeon can't seem to generate that 'deep down loyalty', a senior Nationalist wants a 'better work-life balance. I can understand; when you are surrounded by self important arseholes of limited abilities you may tend to ask yourself why bother! As a leader perhaps he failed to reflect on the rather poor talent available to him when he put himself forward. Sometimes you have to ask yourself, who is this fucking idiot and why do they think I am interested in their opinion, why is he in my office talking shit to me?

Glasgow SNP needs a leader with a little less empathy towards its SNP Councillors who aren't exactly top drawer anyway as was shown rather painfully in 2012 to the entire world.

The SNP have been trying to create a 'sense of history' this year and have failed, maybe unpopular Nicola Sturgeon will slide in her proxy, Mhairi Hunter in preference to Scally.

I saw her give a presentation when the SNP Manifesto was discussed prior to the defeat at the polls. As I was reading it, I had to stop and look up, had I stumbled into an 8 year old's reading class?

No, but it felt like it as she started reading, I nearly gave up the will to live that night, it was like listening to the Archers, sheer torture.

I would have preferred to watch a chimp's tea party.

Time for a quote by Alex Salmond:

"My problem is that I have too many talented people and not enough Cabinet positions"!

What a 'load of wank' that statement is, and the 'talent' isn't much better at councillor level, could Mhairi Hunter defeat Gordon Matheson?

Only if she fell on him from a first floor window!

The idea she could win overall control of Glasgow City Council is so ridiculous and bizarre that unpopular Nicola Sturgeon could put her in, but, only as a stopper to stop anyone talented rising up; of course I am not referring to the current crop who need to be managed as SNP Cllr Billy McAllister aptly demonstrated after being found guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court today and fined £200.

I wish Mr. Hendry well on his new adventure, whatever that maybe, and he is right to bail out, I said he would be a 'caretaker leader' when he took the position, and that was what he turned out to be.

George Laird right again.

Finally making SNP Cllr Mhairi Hunter the SNP Group leader would be a grave error of judgment, her mother couldn’t 'cut the mustard' and neither will the daughter but if the SNP want to give Glaswegians a laugh then get the dullard elected as leader and watch Glasgow Labour snigger on the sidelines.

Let's dub her leadership if elected, 'feeding time at the zoo'!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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