Thursday, February 27, 2014

Scottish independence: Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond says English people shouldn’t get vote on sharing sterling currency union if it's an indyref Yes despite the majority of English people saying No, England won’t dance to a Salmond jig, what a buffoon

Dear All

Isn’t democracy wonderful?

Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man Alex Salmond doesn’t think so, apparently he thinks that ordinary people aren’t entitled to have a voice.

He says that people living south of the border should not be given a formal say on whether Scotland enters a currency union with the rest of the UK.

And also just to highlight that ordinary Scots are held in equal contempt, Scots don’t get a say on whether we remain want EU membership.

Salmond says he is rejecting any suggestions that a second referendum should be held on sharing sterling.

He said:

"A referendum would not be required; it should be a negotiating position between the rest of the UK and the Scottish Government after a Yes vote."

I think there would be a lot of Tory, Labour and Lib Dem MPs who might consider otherwise on that point.

Salmond added:

"The task we have is to explain the benefits of the sterling zone, not just to the people of Scotland, where polls indicate very, very strong support, but also to the people of the rest of the United Kingdom."

It is a tail wagging the dog scenario which incidentally will not happen, the support for Scottish independence has completely collapse.

Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon are just going through the motions in order to hoodwink their own supporters into keep working for them; it’s very much a busted flush.

To home in on that fact, you only have to watch the Scotland Tonight debate between Sturgeon and the Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont.

Sturgeon was doing her angry wee Nat routine and even political commentators such as Bernard Ponsonby branded the debate a farce!

The angry wee Nat came across as very much the provincial Irvine Bam!

Presumably she thought coming across as an ‘arsehole’ which incidentally women of Govan told me several times during the Govan by-election plays well.

Was this ‘fighting for Scotland’?

No, it was just a loud mouth arsehole ranting and foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog.

To return to the ‘jolly fat man’, he says on currency:

"Our position is share and share alike”.

A poll published four days ago suggests 54% of people in Britain think the rest of the UK should not share the pound with an independent Scotland.

And with a Gneral election in 2015, no one is going to be changing their minds in the unionist camp, not if they are considering being the UK Government post 2015.

Salmond then said that if no currency union, then Scotland or to be more accurate the SNP Government would refuse a fair share of UK debt.

This means that Scotland would not have any military assets to defend the country in the event it is attacked.

No planes, warships, fast jets, military helicopters, bombs, bullets, guns or weapons.

Salmond and Sturgeon are clearly out of their depth.

Community councillors trapped in MSPs jobs that they are so unsuited to.

A Better Together spokesman said:

"Alex Salmond has a bad habit of telling people in the rest of the UK what's in their best interests without going to the bother of asking them. Recent polls have shown overwhelming opposition to a currency union if Scotland left the UK. There is a clear pattern emerging here. On one side you have the three UK parties saying a currency union won't happen and people in the rest of the UK supporting that. On the other side you have Alex Salmond saying they are all wrong and only he is right. It simply isn't credible”.

He added:

"Now that we know a currency union is off the table, Alex Salmond has to tell us what his Plan B is. Would we rush to adopt the euro or set up an unproven separate currency? Or would we use the pound in the way that Panama uses the dollar, with no control over interest rates or the financial back up of a lender of last resort if things go wrong? This would be a disaster for Scotland, as expert after expert has pointed out."

After the debacle of the Scotland Tonight debate, it clearly shows that the Nationalists are in meltdown and have decided to try and hang on to their core support which is deserting them as people realise that the SNP is just a joke.

It is for Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon to do a U turn on currency, they have already done so on many issues, why should currency be different.

One thing that is clear, when it comes, it will probably be done after they get ‘advice’ from someone that way they will try to deflect from their failures as leaders.   

But let’s get it straight, the entire failure of this campaign rests on Salmond and Sturgeon’s shoulders.

They are quite simply clowns!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. They can rant about their pet Nobel Laureates all they want and most folk I talk to accept their will be no monetary union.
    So what is really on the table?

  2. Hello George,I noticed that you refer to Scotland's share of defense equipment .I have read that because the defense forces are a uk institution that most of the equipment will actually stay with the rest of the UK and that the snp claims in the white paper to equipment and compensation are simply wrong.If this is correct the snp face building up A Scottish defence forces from scratch.

  3. Jim Sillars has suggested a scottish pound pegged to the uk pound as a way to solve the currency problem. What would happen if the peg was broken by currency speculators and the Scots pound was devalued?A lot of people's savings ,pensions ,investments and wages would be devalued and the economy would enter recession.As I understand it a country trying to peg their currency to another would need to get a large reserve of cash to defend the peg.To get a reserve like this would probably mean austerity budgets with raised taxes and slashed services.I cannot see financial services companies taking that risk.

  4. Dear Anon

    “Hello George,I noticed that you refer to Scotland's share of defense equipment .I have read that because the defense forces are a uk institution that most of the equipment will actually stay with the rest of the UK and that the snp claims in the white paper to equipment and compensation are simply wrong. If this is correct the snp face building up A Scottish defence forces from scratch”.

    If there was indy, which there won’t be, the Scottish Government would have a claim to assets, however the threat to not take the fair share of the debt cancels that out.

    Scotland wouldn’t have the means to defend itself because Salmond opened his mouth rather stupidly and shouted the odds.

    That being said, I doubt current Scots would want a transfer to the United States of Salmond as people are very much aware of certain people in the SNP opinions of the military.

    A poll found the majority of Scots in armed forces want nothing to do with Salmond or his poisonous vision.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  5. George you should check out Glasgow airports twitter feed.It seems that if Scotland leaves the UK all the agreements on air travel stay with the uk and also if Scotland was out of EU even for a short while they cannot use EU agreements.This would mean a drastic drop potentially in flights out of Scotland.It seems a lot of the airlines are very unhappy as it would mean thousands of job losses and you can imagine the damage to the tourism.They claim that the airlines will be releasing a statement shortly.they put questions to the snp but they did not make much of an answer and don't seem bothered.The snp really are to stupid.

  6. Why would Scotland need a defence force? It would be as pointless as fitting a car alarm to a Trabant!
