Friday, February 14, 2014

Scottish independence: Scotland unpopular Deputy First Minster Nicola Sturgeon tries to the ‘play the victim’ on currency; she is so unlikeable that even Scots women in her own Constituency can’t stomach her

Dear All

Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is still trying to con working class Scots into voting Yes in the Scottish independence referendum.

Yesterday, George Osborne dropped an A bomb on the Nationalists with the announcement that there will be no currency union.

Is it likely that after all the main opposition parties have committed to No that one would change their mind?


And in 2015, there is a Westminster General Election which all parties will reaffirm that statement, because it goes right to the heart of politics, trust!

The SNP leadership of Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon have effectively flung in the towel and at the same time treated voters with contempt and their own working class members by using them as mugs!

That’s right the SNP leadership can’t even be straight with its own members, they should have planned for a Scottish currency and didn’t.

So much for SNP strategists!

Nicola Sturgeon has quite wrongly ruled out a Plan B for currency in an independent Scotland; this is a serious matter!

This also leaves the Alex Salmond party within the SNP with nowhere to go now.

In a speech at University College London last night she signal that the SNP Government aren’t prepared to do the work and would continue to argue for a sterling-zone with the UK.

How many SNP members must feel like mugs now?

These party members have been totally conned into being cheap labour for the Alex Salmond party within the SNP, promised so much and lied to repeatedly that a win was possible.

Sturgeon said that Scottish ministers had concluded that a currency union would be best for an independent Scotland that means you should vote No to independence in September because if you don’t you lose the pound and Nicola might not be able to get free tickets to sit in the Royal box at Wimbledon.

She said:

"That is a position we are going to continue to argue because we think it is the right one."
If that’s the case, she is advocating a No vote by default.

She says ­Scots would make their own judgment on the merits of a currency union when they vote in the independence referendum.

This isn’t a matter for the Scottish people, it is a matter for Westminster, see how the SNP treat ordinary people with contempt, presented with an option that isn’t available.

Sturgeon added:

"Ultimately people will make their own judgement and vote in September, but we think it is right for Scotland and we believe it is right for the rest of the UK."

It is a false choice because it doesn’t exist.

And then Sturgeon used the threat that the SNP Government wouldn’t be prepared to pay their share of the UK debt citing that the debt was not "legally theirs."

Who would in their right mind lend money to a country that acts like that?

Who would want to invest?

Who would want to buy their bonds?

No one!

The UK currency is not an asset to be decided by the SNP leadership; it is and remains the sole property of the UK.

Further madeness came from Sturgeon when she said businesses, including Scotland's major banks, would force George Osborne into a change of heart on currency after a Yes vote.

She said:

"I'm pretty sure that George Osborne will have a queue of businesses outside his door saying 'for goodness sake you are not planning to get us into a separate currency, that will cost us a fortune'."

Simple minded provincial thinking!

And with great delusion she added that the polls are narrowing.

Bullshit they are narrowing.

The SNP campaign is a farce, and everything now is about creating an illusion that the campaign is going well, it never was and is a huge massive political fraud that the SNP leadership are trying on with people in Scotland.

She added:

"I also strongly believe that what is said in the heat of the campaign changes and that common sense prevails after that campaign is over."

Commonsense dictates that whatever Unionist party changes their minds would lose any chance of winning the General election in 2015!

An election that the SNP will do badly in!

Sturgeon also said of the Conservative Chancellor, his tactics would backfire on him and Westminster.

Oh really, he delivered a superb gravitas speech with the correct tone and pitched perfectly and even sounded entirely reasonable.

She said:

"If you were going to send someone to Scotland to bully and intimidate I would have thought the last person you would want to send is George Osborne, who is seen by many as the architect of austerity and many if the welfare changes that are hitting the vulnerable so hard right now."

The use of saying that bullying and intimidation are going on by Westminster is risible by the SNP leadership, it is a bit like saying your neighbour has decided to protect his home and because you don’t like the measures he is trying to bully you and intimidate you!

The SNP come across as crackpots!

People don’t like Nicola Sturgeon, so her prediction that this development was "not one that was likely to go down well in ­Scotland"; is also wrong.

Sturgeon is supposed to be touring down South in coming weeks to spreading her message, that "we will always be more than good neighbours. We are allies, friends, family", across the whole of the UK.

Even after saying reneging on UK debt?

Who’s kidding who?

And in another massive blunder Sturgeon appeared to suggest that the Spanish government should accept the right of the Catalonian people to decide on potential independence.

Think Spain will vote Yes to Scotland’s EU membership now?

You don’t interfere with the domestic politics of another country, really stupid and really ill-judged remark.

Yesterday was a death blow to Scottish independence, my advice to SNP members is to abandon ship, not just the campaign but the party, it isn't a "model of constitutional democracy" under Salmond and Sturgeon, it is a ‘rat ship’, and it is now time to get out.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I am sure that the eu insists on every member state having their own central bank ,if the snp insist on using sterling without the BoE as central bank they cannot be an eu member is that correct ? Also to join the euro you must have have your own central bank , currency and financial regulator so you can prove your financial stability.The eu would surely take a dim view of an eu state threatening to default on its debts.A lot of the stuff i read from the snp ,yes Scotland and nationalists in general seems to be ideas they just made up on the spur of the moment with no real understanding of the very real impact a bad decision on currency will have on ordinary peoples lives.

  2. I think I see what they're doing, George - by insisting, despite all evidence to the contrary, that there WILL be a currency union, they are going down the Mein Kampf route: 'The broad mass of a nation will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one.'

    I just hope that the electorate will be alert enough not to fall for it. But, you know, given the power of the Scottish Government and its army of SPADS over the Scottish media, I'm beginning to have my doubts.

    Still, if there is a 'Yes' vote, the chickens will come home to roost very, very quickly, with the closure of Scotstoun and Govan being announced within a few days, and it all turning into a catastrophe from there on in. At that point there would be absolutely nowhere left for the SNP and their lies and their incompetence to would just be a pity if it had to take the destruction of the country before we got to that point!


  3. well written article, a big thumbs up from me

  4. when comments have to be moderated by the blog author there is as little point in leaving a thought out reply as there is in reading the article, however i will say that within a few lines your blog was going to be dreadfully predictable, I did not need to reach the end to draw my conclusion. However good effort and as with most things, through time you will improve.

  5. So when Henry Mcleish , former labour first minister! and NO voter , says that Osborne is bluffing, then he has been reading mien kampf as well has he

  6. The only people flexing guns are Westminster.
    Currency is Currency its what drives it that matters.

  7. George Laird, The Campaign for human rights?? Campaigning for the union to continue in stripping human rights away from people. They have already said they want to pull out of the euro human rights convention. So on you go and defeat your own point in one fail swoop. You sure you are at uni? Must have changed a lot since when I was there.

  8. ''Sturgeon said that Scottish ministers had concluded that a currency union would be best for an independent Scotland that means you should vote No to independence in September because if you don’t you lose the pound and Nicola might not be able to get free tickets to sit in the Royal box at Wimbledon.'' a five year old could have written this garbage better,Vote NO so nicola doesn't get royal box seats,you people realy will do or say anything for a 'NO' vote.Won't you?

  9. You do not speak for me. Myself and many many others think the Job Nicola is doing is great and that if she keeps going Scotland will choose independence. I'd like to see all the traitors leave on the 19th of September, 2014.

  10. ''Sturgeon said that Scottish ministers had concluded that a currency union would be best for an independent Scotland that means you should vote No to independence in September because if you don’t you lose the pound and Nicola might not be able to get free tickets to sit in the Royal box at Wimbledon.'' is that realy the best you can come up with?you people will do or say anything for a 'NO' vote.Ever heard the tern 'cognitave dissonance' or 'Stolkholm Syndrome'

  11. What a crock. Scotland won't default on it's debt because it has no debt. If the UK refuse a currency union then Scotland is not obliged to take any of the UK liabilities what so ever. The UK government are politicking over the currency union and the EU has no regulations on having a central bank or currency that would bar a country which is already a member.

  12. Dear Anon

    “You do not speak for me. Myself and many many others think the Job Nicola is doing is great and that if she keeps going Scotland will choose independence. I'd like to see all the traitors leave on the 19th of September, 2014”.

    Great job leaving Scots women to die from cancer because they could get proper drugs available in England, you don’t say!

    Obviously we differ on what represents a great job.

    What about pensioners not having blankets in hospital?

    What about babies being wrapped in towels?

    A Great job I think not, start digging.

    What about you typing SNP vote rigging in Google and educating yourself?

    If you want to know how a traitor is ask Salmond and Sturgeon why they allow bullying in the SNP.

    Maybe you don't have the balls!

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  13. Dear Alex

    ''Sturgeon said that Scottish ministers had concluded that a currency union would be best for an independent Scotland that means you should vote No to independence in September because if you don’t you lose the pound and Nicola might not be able to get free tickets to sit in the Royal box at Wimbledon.'' a five year old could have written this garbage better,Vote NO so nicola doesn't get royal box seats,you people realy will do or say anything for a 'NO' vote. Won't you?”

    If Scotland is oppressed why is unpopular Nicola Sturgeon sitting watching the Tennis with our ‘oppressors’ at Wimbledon?

    As to ‘you people’ crack, exactly who do you think I am?

    I didn’t more SNP activism then some of the so called elected SNP.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  14. Would you not be better focusing on the unfairness of the bedroom tax and Labours stance on voting with the coalition against the SNP's bill on no more cuts to the poor. Some human rights group. Scotland will vote Yes as the alternative is too horrible to contemplate get used to it there is no better together campaign having a crooked media and a house of ermine doth not a campaign make.

  15. More attacks and name calling is that all the better together lot can offer. Some human rights group this you would have thought that you would be more concerned over the unionists bedroom tax and the unionist gang up to defeat an SNP bill in parliament to prevent further attacks on the poor.The ironic thing is the more groups like this and the media come out with your unsubstantiated nonsense and name calling the more people realise you have nothing to offer no hope for the future just more of the same with the corrupt Westminster system letting us all down except themselves and their rich friends Well you may want more of that but more and more Scots are saying no we want a better way.

  16. SNP electoral fraud Googled. Vote rigging allegation surrounding declared and undeclared spending as governed by electoral law. Case ongoing.

    So, he's neither the first nor the last to break the rules and frankly, chicken feed when compared with the goings on at Westminster and among many a council south of the border - I lived down there and scandals are two a penny.

    Your assertion that NS is broadly unpopular, is not supported with evidence and flies in the face of the SNP's out right majority in the Scottish Parliament.

    Do get real and bring some evidence to you blog - if you can find any.

  17. is this a scottish labour site ? seems to have the same rhetoric as lamont and co . not sure who you would like to run scotland but surely you wouldn't want westminster to carry on. they have already threatened to withdraw from the human rights act .

  18. Mr Laird,

    Your article was so poorly written that I could make little sense of it, so I would recommend you think about not only what you are saying but how you say it.
    Apologies if English is not your first language.
    Additionally, you do not speak for all Scottish working class people. I myself am a yes voter precisely because the current Westminster system is crippling working class rural communities like the one I hail from, and I see the vision for Scottish independence as lining up with a more socialist society, which I feel would be beneficial in the long run to all the people living in Scotland, especially the underprivileged.

  19. Dear Anon

    “Your article was so poorly written that I could make little sense of it, so I would recommend you think about not only what you are saying but how you say it. Apologies if English is not your first language”.

    If you can’t understand maybe you should more to what is called the ‘urban islands’.

    “Additionally, you do not speak for all Scottish working class people. I myself am a yes voter precisely because the current Westminster system is crippling working class rural communities like the one I hail from, and I see the vision for Scottish independence as lining up with a more socialist society, which I feel would be beneficial in the long run to all the people living in Scotland, especially the underprivileged”.

    You are a comedian?

    There will not be a more socialist society because Salmond isn’t a socialist.

    And you talk about my abilities!!!

    The mind boggles!

    Go back to your rural community and type into Google, SNP vote rigging and get educated.

    Sooner the better methinks.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  20. I think G Laird, that you are the one who needs to get educated. From what I can see the Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP are the only ones with a credible position regarding Independence. The Better Together brigade have offered nothing but Doom and Gloom and the view that Scotland is incapable of running her own affairs. As for quoting rubbish about postcode drugs and conditions in Scottish Hospitals. Regarding drugs being available to everyone regardless of cost is not practical. Just to gain a few extra months? Everyone dies eventually of something
    or other. I think you'll find much worse goings on in English hospitals under the ongoing privatisation.
    At least Scotland still has a health service.

  21. Don't suppose this will get published since the author has chosen to approve all comments, but are you serious? Why does this blog have the word's "Glasgow Uni" in the title? I seriously doubt the writer has ever been there. He/she would have to have finished high school first. Poorly written, practically devoid of any facts. Personal (poorly thought out) opinion presented as fact, personal attacks, exaggeration and fallacy after fallacy. As someone who did actually graduate from Glasgow Uni,I have to say I would like to see you change the name of your blog. It is embarrassing to the name of a great institution. Typical of no campaign propaganda though. You guys never are too fussy about including actual facts.

  22. Dear Anon

    “I think G Laird, that you are the one who needs to get educated”.

    I am still studying, why aren’t you?

    “From what I can see the Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP are the only ones with a credible position regarding Independence”.

    Really, you live in a cave with no contact with the outside world; food is lowered in a basket to you?

    In case you missed it, the Alex Salmond party within the SNP has completely destroyed their own campaign through gross stupidity.

    So, let’s not go down the road of Salmond and Sturgeon are masterminds, they aren’t, they gambled and they lost.

    “The Better Together brigade have offered nothing but Doom and Gloom and the view that Scotland is incapable of running her own affairs”.

    That is not what Better Together are saying and don’t get Salmond confused as being Scotland, he isn’t.

    “As for quoting rubbish about postcode drugs and conditions in Scottish Hospitals. Regarding drugs being available to everyone regardless of cost is not practical. Just to gain a few extra months? Everyone dies eventually of something or other”.

    That is your excuse for unpopular Nicola Sturgeon letting people die, cost?

    “I think you'll find much worse goings on in English hospitals under the ongoing privatisation”.

    They get access to proper cancer drugs, so what are you saying?

    “At least Scotland still has a health service”.

    So does the rest of the UK and it is still free at the point of use!

    I hope you will after reading this, you’re not buy into the lie that Salmond and Sturgeon are fighting for independence, they aren’t.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  23. Dear Anon

    “Don't suppose this will get published since the author has chosen to approve all comments, but are you serious?”

    First assumption in your reply and you get it wrong.

    “Why does this blog have the word's "Glasgow Uni" in the title?”

    Good question, read this:

    “I seriously doubt the writer has ever been there”.

    Second assumption and wrong again.

    I spent 20 years there in various jobs and as a student.

    “He/she would have to have finished high school first”.

    We don’t have high schools in Scotland, America has that, and I would think you should educate yourself more on Scotland, might help when you write tripe.

    “Poorly written, practically devoid of any facts”.

    Cheers for that, 725 people dropped by my blog two days ago, and I have many regular readers who seem to be able to navigate around my poorly written English.

    “Personal (poorly thought out) opinion presented as fact, personal attacks, exaggeration and fallacy after fallacy”.

    Your opinion, not mine; and given your track record on getting it wrong, how much weight can be placed on your opinion anyway?

    “As someone who did actually graduate from Glasgow Uni, I have to say I would like to see you change the name of your blog”.

    Fuck you.

    “It is embarrassing to the name of a great institution. Typical of no campaign propaganda though. You guys never are too fussy about including actual facts.”

    I am not a member of any political party or a member of the Better Together campaign and I have never attended any of their events.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  24. you are getting mentioned in SNP and Yes Scotland circles.

    Best regards

  25. well done on your blog

  26. The cheap alternativeFebruary 26, 2014 at 8:41 PM

    Saw her on Scotland Tonight, I wasn't impressed at all, as were some of the indy supporters online. It was terribly pathetic not to answer questions put to her and showed her contempt for the people of Scotland.

  27. The best bit of analysis on why we should all vote No, thank you, it takes someone with a bit of spunk to stand up when the cybernats lurk in the shadows.

  28. I'm ashamed of being a Mac.... living in England, I'm proud of my heritage, but what's in it for the 'fish' - lining her pockets like Torys and some Labour MP's. Our parlimentary system is broken and needs to be changed. The Uk is a great country but should not become 'broken' britain because of the preduce and greed of a single person - sturgeon.
