Monday, February 3, 2014

Scottish independence: ex SNP deputy leader Jim Sillars drives a nail into the coffin of Alex Salmond’s political career by branding his currency union with Westminister as “stupidity on stilts”, clueless SNP leadership stumble again

Dear All

This Scottish independence campaign has revealed many things to the Scottish public and opposition parties about Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond and unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

They aren’t that clever.

They have fundamentally botched this Scottish independence campaign making so many mistakes in key areas, some people might opined that they have sabotaged their own campaign from within.

On currency, the correct answer to the question which currency should an independent Scotland use is the Scottish pound.

It was always the Scottish pound, not such as a sign of faith but a statement of intent.

It was botched!

Jim Sillars, the ex SNP deputy leader has his voice to the growing disapproval of the independent minded people on the incredibly poor SNP clique's tactics.

He is blunt, correct and nails it to the mast; Alex Salmond’s plans for Scotland’s currency are dismissed as “stupidity on stilts”.

Why would someone who says he believes in Scottish independence give huge control over Scotland's economy to London?

Stop and think about that for a minute.

The answer is in two parts, first don't 'scare the horses' to get people to vote for independence, making them think nothing has changed and secondly, stupidity and laziness, couldn't be bothered to do the work.

In a magnificent broadside, Sillars also says that Salmond has a “clueless” plan.

Scotland can only be truly independent if it launches its own currency using a suitable time frame so as not to jeopardise Sterling by acting responsibly and jointly. There is a lot of talk by Salmond about Scotland and England being the 'best of pals' post indy, who doesn't think a war of words would break out over finance?

Jim Sillars said:

“The whole purpose of independence is to escape from control of London’s economic power. I am not voting to go back into it.”

Like many "proper" Nationalists, he sees the SNP clique isn't acting in Scotland's interest but in their own.

So, Salmond faces attacks on two fronts over his plan for a currency union, "proper" Nationalists and the Unionists appalled by staggering incompetence.

The Unionist camp must have loved Wednesday’s speech by Bank of England Governor Mark Carney; it wasn't what the SNP wanted as they tried to create an image that they are pushing events forward.

Carney's speech leaves them isolated and increasingly out of touch.

Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon aren't the people to lead Scotland to independence.

Salmond is a joke figure, pick an area and the SNP clique have taken their eye off the ball, health, law and order, education, three areas under their direct control which are a shambles.

Yes, a shambles.

And all three areas controlled by Salmond's inner group of Sturgeon, MacAskill and Russell. Sturgeon was moved before the considerable cracks and failure to deliver became apparent in her health brief.

So much for the problem of have having "too many talented people".

Salmond really does set the bar incredibly low.

Now, Salmond wants to ceding Scotland's national sovereignty as soon as he gets, to parcel out the work to England, then use grudge, grievance and malcontent to use as a lever for their failures and why Scots should return them at elections because they have the "answers".

Under Salmond and Sturgeon decisions on Scotland’s tax, spending and borrowing would still set by Westminster and the Bank of England would set our interest rates.

Still think nirvana is around the corner, still think you are getting Nordic welfare, still think austerity is going to be a thing of the past?

Carney also mentioned if there was to be a Sterling pact, the UK would have to agree to bail out Scottish banks if there was another financial crisis.

So, the rules would be strict, and not as Salmond keeps saying that Scotland could do what it wanted without regard to what Westminster stated.

The Coalition say such a monetary union is “highly unlikely”.

And Better Together leader Alistair Darling says Carney left Salmond’s plan “dead in the water”.

Patrick Harvie of the Scottish Greens is having a good independence campaign personally, however, it picked the wrong side, which could impact his party's electoral success in future.

It's a tricky one, choosing sides.

Ex Labour MP Dennis Canavan, the chair the advisory board of Yes Scotland also support the idea of a Scottish currency, but its too late to change tack since the White Paper has been published.

That document is sheer tripe; perhaps it should have been re-named 'Scotland's future in England's hands'.

One wonders how long before people really understand that they have been sold a pig in a poke?

Imagine been asked to buy a broken product that doesn't work with a 'guarantee' that it will be fixed later but will be lesser than the previous model.

I think the Scottish independence campaign should be pulled for several reasons, mainly because the current SNP clique isn't fit for purpose.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I'm in total agreement. Pull the plug until the currency issue is settled. This assertion that the UK will be open to deal on the demands of an iScotland are wishful thinking. The English may be a lot of things but naivety and stupidity are not something I thought of them.
    They've certainly outclassed us on money matters over the centuries. So why are they niave or thick now? Cos wee eck says so?

  2. "Freedom" cried Mel
    Not on this watch, said the scriptwriter.


    Looks like Jim Sillars is not impressed, and this article dates from 2012!


  5. I find Jim Sillars has a better grasp on the situation than the current SNP leaders.
