Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Open letter to Hamish, Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond sees indy support in his own backyard collapse to 17%, I didn’t have a thing to do with it, the people of Scotland are waking up to the fact he cannot be trusted, so why are you upset by the messenger!

Dear Hamish

Do you object to me describing myself as "The real Glaswegian working class voice" in the independence debate?

If so why?

Who would fit the criteria better?

I am a popular Glaswegian blogger, working class, and keep getting it right on Scottish independence.

How about Scotland's unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon?

She is common, that I grant you, but without the 'common touch', a real problem for her as she is finding out during this independence campaign.

Defeat after defeat followed by impending defeat.

17% for independence in the North and North East, the supposed SNP heartland of Alex Salmond.

Total and utter collapse of support, how do you explain that one?

You still haven't answered the question why aren't you saving the Scottish independence campaign for the SNP?

No idea I take it where to start?

Well you would have to fight on two fronts, Unionist and Salmondism, one is kicking your ass and the other has its head up its own ass with its own self importance, which incidentally isn't much cop.

But to return to some of your points:

"So "The real Glaswegian working class voice" would rather have tuition fees and prescription charges imposed by a Westminster Government".

I never said that, and if you stick around you might find if tuition fees introduced by the Scottish Parliament and also prescription charges at some point.

Does the fact the SNP trotted a few bribes impress you since it is done to get votes?

And less we forget, at top universities the working class isn't there to reflect the make up of society by a long chalk.

What did the Salmond and Sturgeon do to fix this?

Not an awful lot.

"and sneers at the Scottish Cabinet meeting in a church hall, rather than being hosted by a global oil company".

I am pointing out that the supposed 'popularity' isn't as widespread as the SNP would have you believe.

Is that wrong?

Does telling the truth upset you when I say it?

Surely if you don't like reading my blog, then simply don't come back, there you are solutions to problems, it is fairly straight forward for me.

The reason they are meeting in a church hall is because they are trying to sell independence and this is their 'meet the people' routine. That is just as meaningless as meeting in a church hall to decide government issues.

Who are they trying to impress, holding Q&A sessions when you can't get the answers to questions you ask.

It is probably padded out with SNP activists to make up the numbers ..... the clique.

Incidentally as you know they don't give a shit about the people, just their votes.

If you are buying into their con, well good luck to you, who am I to stop you living in ignorance or the 'dream'.

Have you read the story about the Bellegrove doss house in the papers, the SNP keep talking about social justice problems, why have they sat on their arse since 2007?

If only they had the levers of power, .... they would still do fuck all.

Do you see what happens when the SNP cuts Glasgow City Council's budget?

Do you see what happens when Glasgow SNP sits on its arse?

The last leader was a Sturgeon crony devoid of original thought and the new one does it as a part time job.

Tell me in your unqualified opinion who is the people's champion of Glasgow SNP?

Give me a laugh!

Prior to 2012, the council election, the SNP engaged in doing fuck all, and that extended to some of their councillors not being very active, to the extent of not doing a single day for their branches.

"Yours for Scotland".

"Have you ever held down a full-time job, George?"

If the answer is yes, does that mean I have your approval to comment on independence?

If the answer is no, does that mean you don't approve?

Which is it?

I am not giving out any personal details other than what I have listed in the public domain.

"Or are you, as I suspect, a man of independent means?"

Hamish, you aren't a detective, and given you can't seem to get the hang of being Sherlock Holmes, give up while the going is good.

You must be terribly upset by the last few weeks which saw the rubbish spouted by Salmond completely torn apart and shown to be utterly incompetent. Is this sinking in yet, Salmond and Sturgeon are out of their depth.

Not creative enough.

Time for a quote:

"My problem is that I have too many talented people and not enough cabinet positions".

Meeting in a church hall to do a 'cabinet of the people' act, a bit lame when Salmond parks his arse in 5 star hotels.

Did you ever get around to wondering about that £50,000 of taxpayers' money that Salmond isn't prepared to state what it was specifically spent on?

Some hero of the people, do you accept lower middle class as "The real Glaswegian working class voice" in the independence debate?

There is a guy in Pollok SNP who pisses his trousers, IQ of a handball, could he give Nicola stiff competition as a champion of the people?

Finally, I taught at Glasgow University, you will be happy to know that I was considered brilliant and no one ever raised a question about my abilities as a fitness instructor.

In fact I was so good that the gym staff asked my trainees for advice regularly. 

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. George the trouble with guys like Hamish is that they believe everything out of SNP HQ. They question nothing even when proven to be utterly preposterous. Drones the whole sorry bunch. They really believe the romanticism of the Hollywood movie Braveheart will come to pass in an Independent Scotland. Poor souls, they should really be pitied. Unfortunately, cretins like Hamish could bring this country to it's knees financially.

  2. Dear Anon

    “George the trouble with guys like Hamish is that they believe everything out of SNP HQ”.

    I think you are 100% correct, the fact that everything has fallen on its arse due to stupidity obviously doesn’t appear to be a problem to him.

    Also I am amused that he thinks a person’s status needs to be addressed before they are deemed ‘worthy’ to comment in this debate.

    “They question nothing even when proven to be utterly preposterous”.

    And that is the SNP’s problem, it is run as I stated as a one man band. And when this happens no other ideas are tolerated.

    “Drones the whole sorry bunch”.


    “They really believe the romanticism of the Hollywood movie Braveheart will come to pass in an Independent Scotland. Poor souls, they should really be pitied. Unfortunately, cretins like Hamish could bring this country to it's knees financially”.

    Luckily for him, the people of Scotland are rejecting Salmond and Sturgeon’s brand of Nationalism for the poison it is.

    I see that Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minster Nicola Sturgeon didn’t want to answer Johann Lamont’s question on Plan B for currency, and she thinks she is First Minster material. Another bad night for Nationalism which is looking as increasingly bizarre as an SSP meeting!

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. The guy is a troll George

  4. Hello George, have you seen the Salmond interview in the Newstatesman,he is claiming that anyone who opposes his plans either in the uk or eu is undemocratic. So George Osborne protecting Uk tax payers or EU leaders insisting that the rules that apply to every other country apply to Scotland as well.The people in the rest of the UK are to have no say ,just give in to his demands on everything.Mr.Salmond has displayed a level of arrogance and lack of reality that is almost beyond belief.

  5. Dear George,
    As I have said before, most Scots are not as bothered about class as our English neighbours.
    It is you who keep blazoning on your mast-head that you are authentic working class.

    This claim is as authentic as the title of your blog. In the early days, it was a personal vendetta against the Glasgow University staff, and even students, for throwing you out. Then, you did not have a good word to say about Glasgow Uni.
    Now you even boast about having 'taught' at that institution.
    You have said yourself that it was not a paid job.
    I commend you for your public spirit, but only a person of independent means can afford to work for nothing.

    Of course, you are as entitled as a cretin like me (thanks Anon) to promulgate your views on Scottish Independence and anything else, but not under false pretences.

  6. Dear Hamish

    “As I have said before, most Scots are not as bothered about class as our English neighbours. It is you who keep blazoning on your mast-head that you are authentic working class”.

    Well I am.

    “This claim is as authentic as the title of your blog”.

    I sense you’re jealous.

    “In the early days, it was a personal vendetta against the Glasgow University staff, and even students, for throwing you out. Then, you did not have a good word to say about Glasgow Uni”.

    I think you are crossing a line here, and I still don't have anything good to say about them.

    I kept the uni documents that proved EVERYTHING I stated. I also object to your use of 'vendetta', perhaps you also think I am engaged in a vendetta because I went to the Police about having a stalker call me a paedophile and a rapist?

    Is that the shape of your warped logic, in your world, people who are victims of discrimination should just stay silent?

    Well I chose not to stay silent.

    “Now you even boast about having 'taught' at that institution”.

    Well, that is true, I am not boasting but stating a fact!

    “You have said yourself that it was not a paid job”.

    It was part of the Sports Association.

    I never taught for money at Glasgow University.

    “I commend you for your public spirit, but only a person of independent means can afford to work for nothing”.

    That is your opinion and based on assumption.

    “Of course, you are as entitled as a cretin like me (thanks Anon) to promulgate your views on Scottish Independence and anything else, but not under false pretences”.

    I like a challenge, perhaps you can prove I didn’t teach at Glasgow University, because I have official uni papers to say I did.

    Plus video!

    As to someone calling you a “cretin”, that’s tough shit on you, you are calling me a “cretin” that’s tough shit on me.

    However, unlike you who deals in assumptions and made up fantasy, I deal in facts, also I am known for not lying, especially about my uni days.

    A pretty tawdry reply by you.

    I will leave it to others to judge who is a cretin here.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  7. by the time you're done Hamish will be voting no to indy as well, guess like many Nats he can't stand the truth being put out there.
