Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Nick Clegg says he stands ready to cosy up to the Labour Party to keep the Lib Dems in power, what must the Tories think as Clegg goes sniffing around the Labour Party, the 'love affair' with David Cameron has died pretty quickly, who's up for a used Lib Dem as a partner?

Dear All

Nick Clegg is the Deputy Prime ­Minister of the United Kingdom.

He has done a wonderful job of killing off support for his party.

Clegg was bought cheap, Ministerial perks and a footnote in history.

When Clegg teamed up with the Conservatives, the Tories started to kick the crap out of the poor, the Lib Dems acted as a shield.

Don’t you just love them?

Well apparently no was the reaction of the general public.

Clegg betrayed his party and his voters.

He showed his word is worth less than nothing.  

Now, Nick Clegg has fuelled ­speculation that he is positioning for coalition with Labour next year by saying he believes Ed Miliband's party has "changed".

Changed how?

I don’t see new policies, Labour has been treading water looking for a narrative suitable to present to the people.

And of course Ed Miliband has struggled to be seen as a leader.

In an extraordinary U turn, Clegg has also criticised the Tories for lurching to the right.

When did they ever lurch to the left?

He accuses his current partners in government of becoming "much more ideological" since 2010.

The ideology is the same, it has always been the same; people know what it is, help big business and punish the ‘undeserving poor’.

His comments were made in a BBC Radio 4 documentary said to be motivated by an apparent thaw in relations with shadow chancellor Ed Balls.

Ed Balls is a rocket; Miliband should have canned him as shadow chancellor ages ago.

The supposed animosity between the men had been seen as an obstacle to the two parties joining up if there is another hung parliament in 2015.

Clegg said of his prospective future partners:

"I think they've changed. I think there's nothing like the prospect of reality in an election to get politicians to think again and the Labour Party, which is a party unused to sharing power with others is realising that it might have to."

The Lib Dems are dropping faster than a person down a lift shaft so Clegg better play both sides of the fence.

On any future pact he said it was his intention that the Libl Dems would “try” to stop Labour spending too much.

Good luck with that idea.

He added:

"There is just no doubt in my mind that if there were a Labour-LibDem coalition, we the LibDems would absolutely insist that government would not break the bank."

Actually, I think Miliband has already grasp the nettle on that concept some time ago, but then we all have our little projects in politics that need funded.

So, the happy family coalition has become not so happy as signs of tensions mount, the tension being some people losing their seats in 2015 and people flapping.

This bit by Clegg will not go down well:

"I think the Conservative Party has changed quite dramatically since we entered into coalition with them. They've become much more ­ideological, they've returned much more to a lot of their familiar theme tunes."

Kept that quiet for a longtime!

Yours sincerely

George Laird 
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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