Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Scottish independence: Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon tries to kick start her failed independence campaign at the University of St Andrews, SNP rich man’s campaign goes to rich man’s university, Sturgeon loses again in PR credibility stakes

Dear All

It is a new year, a time of hope and new adventures, but for some people it is the continuation of a nightmare.

One person is facing political death this year.

Scotland's 'jolly fat man' Alex Salmond isn't having a good independence campaign at all.

It's a disaster, all self created which makes it all the more worse, he dug his hole and now it is too deep to climb out.

He is trapped, trapped like a rat.

I read a lot online by commentators about how "smart", he is, this must be an 'in' joke, because I don't get it. 

Others say he is a formidable debater that others fears, I say what is there to fear?

He got into power because the Labour Party burnt their bridges in the expenses scandal, add to it, the then Labour Executive dropped the ball, they then sat in the huff for the next entire term of the Scottish Parliament without a coherent plan to win it back.

Other people's stupidity doesn't make you bright, it just allows you to take advantage of other people's misfortune.

Right time, right place!

But when it comes to crafting Scottish independence, the Nationalist clique couldn't string a sentence together, they have been found wanting, dramatically. The SNP couldn't write their own White Paper, they had to use the resources of the Scottish Government.

A major mistake was of course putting Scotland's unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon as the 'face of independence', in recent by-elections including the Govan by-election, the public blew her arse out of the water in a supposed SNP heartland.

Apparently, there isn't such an SNP legacy in Govan.

Or more specific a Sturgeon one!

But there are a lot of women in Govan who think Nicola Sturgeon is an "arsehole".

Politics..... such fun!

To the Scottish independence referendum, it is important, not because of independence but rather it is the fight to stop fascism. The SNP is a run as a 'rat ship', the Scottish Government has lurched to right or better still, they are now showing their true colours, the Yes Scotland crowd, well, just SNP proxies and cronies.

Rather than offering a new Scotland, Salmond and Sturgeon are offering nothing of the sort.

We know this because less than a third of Scots want to leave the United Kingdom, Scottish Working Class people have seen through Salmond and Sturgeon.

The phoney war never got started, the campaign went straight to 'war' on the SNP side, and have been fighting a rearguard action ever since, no one is coming to help Alex Salmond.

He fired his last bullet with the White Paper.

According to an opinion poll published support for separation has stagnated at 30 per cent.

Even if Sturgeon convince all of the other 10 per cent of don't knows, the SNP are 10 percent short and need a plus one as well.

The long-awaited blueprint for separation is tripe, sheer utter tripe.

Support for remaining in the UK is more 61 per cent, according to a You Gov poll.

And the floating vote shows that more than third of Scots who voted SNP in the 2011 Holyrood election are opposed to independence.

I expect that number to increase as the case for separation is quiet and analytically taken apart piece by piece.

25 per cent of the White Paper cannot be guaranteed, you would think a document which is so important would be water tight.

There is and remains a genuine lack of talent in the Scottish National Party.

Nicola Sturgeon, the unpopular Deputy First Minister tried to kick start the Nationalists’ 2014 campaign with a challenge to Unionists to spell out in detail what would happen if Scots vote ‘no’ on September 18.

Devo max, the option that isn't on the ballot paper, this is irrelevant and a distraction, there is a proposal on the ballot paper, independence, yes or no!

There is also a General Election in 2015 which makes the question irrelevant as there isn't a single entity to commit to anything because we don't know who will be in power at Westminster, one thing we can be sure of, it won't be the SNP forming the next Westminster Government.

The 'feeble six', everyone is trying to save their jobs on the Unionist side, that way people like Angus Robertson have somewhere to go for a heat out of the cold. 
Speaking at St Andrew’s University, Sturgeon tried to argue that the referendum is “not a choice between change and no change” and the unionists should offer an alternative vision.

She just doesn't get it, she isn't part of the solution but rather a bystander regarding devo max and its content.

The attempt to get David Cameron to stage a televised TV debate with Salmond, shows how far the fear is embedded in the Nationalist ranks, Cameron rightly is off at Plumpton on that issue, he and his advisors realise that this is an attempt to distract attention away from the fact the SNP is losing.

Losing badly no George Laird radical thinking!

I have to laugh at the marathon referendum campaign which started ore than 18 months ago, full with SNP cronies who collectively couldn't fuck a doorknob even with a hand book complete with pictures.

Yes Salmond in Hope Street Glasgow has been the leadership deserting the 'rat ship' pretty damn quick. Even an ex SNP MSP Shirley Anne Somerville was quick to bale out to try and get back to Holyrood in the Dunfermline seat vacated by Nicola Sturgeon's close pal and colleague, he is doing 12 months in prison, Nicola hasn't visited him yet.

What price friendship?   

Such a long time ago, I said that the reason for a long SNP campaign was that the SNP doesn't have anyone to work for them, and some of the 'material' left is incapable of having a discussion with the public. The SNP will be running a campaign much like an election starting properly after the New Year, at the same time, they will have to run an election campaign for the European Parliament, but with allegations that they are 'EU liars' that campaign will have to play second fiddle to the main fight.  

In the latter stages of the SNP campaign, you can expect them to talk utter shite and promise the earth to everyone.

But in the end it will make no difference, trust has been broken, mistakes in politics are acceptable but outright lying isn't.

The SNP will target traditional Labour working-class voters in the centre and west of Scotland, it is these people who will decide whether the 307-year-old Union survives.

Better Together said its poll was commissioned to mark the 25th anniversary of John Smith, the former Labour leader, stating that devolution was the “settled will” of the Scottish people.

Blair McDougall, Better Together campaign’s director, said:

“The choice we face in September is between continuing the success of devolution as part of the wider UK or giving up on devolution and going it alone. The three pro-devolution parties are committed to strengthening and continuing the success of the Scottish Parliament. Even the SNP, after a vote to remain in the UK, will have to become a pro-devolution party.”

He added:

“Our argument this year will be that devolution gives us the best of both worlds and this poll confirms most people in Scotland agree with us. We know devolution works – why would we want to put that at risk with independence?”

Sturgeon added:

“For Scotland – and everyone who lives here – 2014 will be a special and momentous year. It is a year that future generations will read about in the history books … On September 18 we have the biggest opportunity we will ever have to start building a better country.”

She really can't do 'excitement' can she?

As to the SNP 'fascist' agenda which is seeping out in legislation, they can look back on that as part of their many mistakes which killed off their chances.

So what of the history books?

My take is this will be remembered as the year of Alex Salmond's political death at the ballot box.

He will like the sands of time be swept away, and written up as an 'opportunist' not a master strategist. Salmond needs other people to do his thinking for him.
As to Ms. Sturgeon and her claim of "the biggest opportunity we will ever have to start building a better country."

Did she get that from an episode of Borgen?

Nicola Sturgeon left Scots women to die from cancer by failing to ensure the proper drugs where provided, I don't think her claims of her ‘nationalism’ being based on ‘social justice’ stack up.

Do you?

You know all you need to know about the SNP with Nicola Sturgeon giving a speech in the University of St Andrews which is on record in one year of admitting 13 poor Scots to be students.

This SNP Campaign by Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon is a rich man’s campaign, and only a rich man’s campaign, it has nothing to do with helping the working class in Scotland?

Labour voters should just ignore her plea of come join her poisonous vision.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. “Mistakes in politics are acceptable but outright lying isn't.”

    My cousin proves this point, George. She told me a couple of weeks ago that she had voted SNP in every single election since she turned 18. She is now 56. But, with the unfolding campaign and the ‘White Paper’, she feels as if she is being, and has been, lied to. The result is that she’s not only furious with them, but furious with herself, for allowing herself to be taken in by, what she now sees as, a bunch of fantasists.

    Incidentally, regarding Mr Salmond’s future in the event of a ‘NO’ vote, I think it’s unlikely he will resign immediately, as I would imagine there’ll be some goodies in store for him at the Ryder Cup, like a few free nights in Gleneagles. He’ll leave it until January 2015, and give us some spurious reason for staying on, like needing to mentor Ms Sturgeon before she steps into his shoes. Whatever the case, he will do as he always does: treat the rest of us like morons.

  2. Dear All

    “Mistakes in politics are acceptable but outright lying isn't.”

    My cousin proves this point, George. She told me a couple of weeks ago that she had voted SNP in every single election since she turned 18. She is now 56. But, with the unfolding campaign and the ‘White Paper’, she feels as if she is being, and has been, lied to”.

    This puts her in the same boat as the majority of Scots who feel they have been lied to as well as cheated.

    “The result is that she’s not only furious with them, but furious with herself, for allowing herself to be taken in by, what she now sees as, a bunch of fantasists”.

    She shouldn’t be furious but glad, to explain, she has been conned, but she is now wiser, it cost her a few votes but now she is self aware, so she now has a clear direction of travel away from Salmond and Sturgeon.

    “Incidentally, regarding Mr Salmond’s future in the event of a ‘NO’ vote, I think it’s unlikely he will resign immediately, as I would imagine there’ll be some goodies in store for him at the Ryder Cup, like a few free nights in Gleneagles. He’ll leave it until January 2015, and give us some spurious reason for staying on, like needing to mentor Ms Sturgeon before she steps into his shoes”.

    I think he will be there much longer, the SNP won’t do well at Westminster 2015, but they might benefit from a Lib Dems collapse if it happens, thus they would use that as them being ‘popular’ again. West of Scotland looks doubtful for a win especially in Glasgow, it is wall to wall drones in the SNP ranks surrounding unpopular DFM Nicola Sturgeon.

    “Whatever the case, he will do as he always does: treat the rest of us like morons”.

    I saw Alex Salmond in a tv interview, he looked ill, maybe he is counting down the hours to his political death at the ballot box or maybe he will step down prior to the vote cite illness, then do a comeback.

    But he should go and Sturgeon should go with him, the SNP isn’t a political party anymore, it is a self serving clique of remarkably talentless people who have been carried by others for years.

    These people hate the working class with a passion that outstrips the Tories.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
