Thursday, January 9, 2014

Scottish independence: PM David Cameron slaps down Alex Salmond’s ‘lackey’ from England over Cameron VS Salmond call for TV debate, Angus Robertson employs same tactics used by 1930’s Nazis; "It is time for him to put up or shut up", ever heard of free speech Robertson?

Dear All

It seems that Number 10 and Prime Minister David Cameron are keen to nail down once and for all that they won’t be playing Alex Salmond’s stupid little petty games.

Alex Salmond's challenge to a head-to-head television debate is dead no matter how many times the Nationalists try to flog that dead horse.

Cameron rightly sees that he doesn’t have the appeal in Scotland that he would wish, but this referendum debate isn’t a personality contest.

The debate in Scotland isn’t Cameron VS Salmond, it is Working class Scots VS Salmond, it always was and will remain so.

Working class Scots don’t trust Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond and Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon with sole control of Scotland.

SNP Fascism is on the rise in Scotland.

At PMQ’s at Westminster, Cameron has noted that the SNP is experiencing "mounting frustration" because it knew it was losing the argument in the independence debate.

For nearly two years, the SNP clique has been getting nowhere in the polls and on the ground; no one is buying their message.

Salmond doesn’t have a narrative that works, and the bribe strategy is the last gasp of a drowning man as events overtake him continually.

Scotland doesn’t want Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon to lead an independent Scotland.

The issue is trust!

At the weekend, we saw a desolated and out of touch Salmond again demanded the PM, as head of the UK Government, debate him face to face on the independence issue.

Then Salmond started goading the Prime Minister accusing him of having a "mix of arrogance and fear".

Stare in the mirror Salmond, you are the one with the arrogance and fear, you have lost the argument, lost the people and lost the referendum.

Ineffective English SNP MP Angus Robertson, the Nationalist leader at West­minster try to do the role of ‘lackey’ by an attempt to put Cameron on the spot over the pro-UK "stick with us" campaign to be fronted by celebs.

The English SNP MP said:

"The Prime Minister's anti-independence campaign launched an initiative this week encouraging people outside Scotland to take part in the debate. Given that, why won't he debate First Minister Alex Salmond on television?"

As the SNP clearly said, this is a matter between Scots.

And also Cameron doesn’t get a vote.

Cameron added about the SNP failure:

"They know they are losing the argument about jobs, they know they are losing the argument about investment, they completely lost the argument about the future of the pound sterling. They are losing the argument about Europe. Yes, of course there should be a debate, but it is a debate between people in Scotland. The leader of the In campaign should debate with the leader of the Out campaign."

Mr Cameron then told Mr Robertson:

"Of course, you, as the lackey of Alex Salmond, want to change the terms of the debate but I am not falling for that one."

Robertson born in London isn’t a Scot; he has been a poor leader at Westminster for the SNP and a disaster as a defence spokesman.

Last night, the defeated Robertson said:

"David Cameron's position is increasingly incoherent. It is his anti-independence campaign and he is now asking people outside Scotland to get involved, yet he still refuses point blank to debate himself. It is time for him to put up or shut up."


The position is quite clear, Alex Salmond is losing badly, Cameron isn’t going to give him the same status he has, and there is nothing in it for him. You could add that Cameron sees Salmond not as an equal in any department so why bother on the rants of an idiot.

Robertson’s final line was:

"It is time for him to put up or shut up."

In the 1930’s one of the tactics employed by the Nazis was to shout opponents down continually to try and silence them.

Robertson is the SNP Campaign Director for the referendum on Scottish independence!

And he has done such a shit job that I would be surprised that if he didn’t qualify for a knighthood for his services to saving the UK.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. George Galloway utterly humiliated Angus Robertson on Question Time.

    How can one person have the title of Scottish Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and Westminster SNP spokesman on Defence and Europe and be effective at all of those posts??

    Shows how inept the SNP really are in having all of those functions allocated to one person.

  2. What absolute nonsense. The person who feels he has a mandate to govern Scotland, to send our troops into war (which he tried and failed just last year), who is killing people with his so called welfare reforms, who can choose to spend our money on renewing useless weapons of mass destruction, sends his own 'lackeys' to tell us we'll be attacked by aliens and no one will want to play with us anymore and promised to fight with every fibre of his being SHOULD debate with our democratically elected, by a majority, leader.

    And for a blog with human rights in the title, shouldn't you be more bothered that David Cameron wants to remove our human rights and is causing the deaths of thousands with his callous and inhumane treatment of the unemployed, sick and disabled?

    People that are prepared to let their country be trampled on by an antiquated and corrupt establishment due to an irrational hatred of Alex Salmond better hope they never end up in a position that they or their family ever need government support, because there will be none of that soon!

  3. Dear Anon

    “What absolute nonsense”.

    Are you saying Angus Robertson didn’t attempt to deny Cameron free speech?

    “The person who feels he has a mandate to govern Scotland, to send our troops into war (which he tried and failed just last year)”.

    Our troops?

    You mean UK Troops don’t you?

    “who is killing people with his so called welfare reforms, who can choose to spend our money on renewing useless weapons of mass destruction, sends his own 'lackeys' to tell us we'll be attacked by aliens and no one will want to play with us anymore and promised to fight with every fibre of his being SHOULD debate with our democratically elected, by a majority, leader”.

    Your leader, not mines; and not elected by a majority of the people either.

    “And for a blog with human rights in the title, shouldn't you be more bothered that David Cameron wants to remove our human rights and is causing the deaths of thousands with his callous and inhumane treatment of the unemployed, sick and disabled?”

    I already do.

    “People that are prepared to let their country be trampled on by an antiquated and corrupt establishment”.

    Type in to google SNP vote rigging.

    And here is a link to a post I wrote earlier:

    Replace an “antiquated and corrupt establishment” with a bright shiny new corrupt establishment under the SNP.

    Let me think about that for a second.

    A new shiny Fascism Scotland where Working class Scots are second class citizens under a untrustworthy shallow despot?

    Not much choice is there, but I will go with Scotland keeping access to the UK Supreme Court and vote No.
    Maybe you can answer a question why are the SNP tactics so closely parallel to the tactics of 1930’s Nazis Germany?

    I won’t be voting for the creation of corrupt Eckistan.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  4. The person who feels he has a mandate to govern Scotland, to send our troops into war (which he tried and failed just last year),

    You obviously didn't hear about Alex Salmond saying an independent Scotland would have back military action in Syria.

    Here is the link for you

    A policy of simply asserting doing the exact opposite of the UK government isn't a policy.

  5. Angus Robertson as defence minister no thanks.
