Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Open letter to Hamish, sorry to disappoint you, I am neither middle class or upper class, Ich bin arbeiten klasse, however, let us not forget that Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is in my opinion, ‘common’ and has no class

Dear Hamish

"The audience included people from large and small businesses, trade unions, the voluntary and public sectors, charities and other organisations. So a carefully selected staged managed audience, the hallmark of his leadership. No working class allowed?"

Did I hit a nerve there Hamish?

“I'm sure there were quite a few people of working-class origin among that lot Just like yourself”.

Hamish, I am sure that you are sure that there may have been a ‘few’ people of working class origin.

But that doesn’t make it a fact.

“I have pointed out before that as a prominent member of the bloggeratti, you have now to be reckoned as middle-class”.

Nein, nein and more nein, that’s German for No, I could have said, Niet, Niet and Niet which is Russian for No as well, Ich bin arbeiten klasse.


“In fact, a further inference can be made. Your blog carriess no advertising, but clearly the time and effort you devote to writing articles and scouring the web for stories are quivalent to a full-time job”.

It is true that my blog carries no advertising, I don’t write it to make money Hamish, which may shock some people, not everyone in life has their hand out, when I taught at Glasgow University, I didn’t make money doing that either.

Did you check out my latest video? 

As to the blog being a ‘full time job’, I get it done in less than an hour, a traditional working week is around 40 hours.

Again Hamish, assumptions by you are widely off the mark.

“The inference is that you are a man of independent means, which is to say, upper-class”.

I wouldn’t say I am upper class, from middle class to upper class, what next Royalty?

Speaking of class, Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon makes a lot of money, despite that and a University of Glasgow education; she is ‘common’, that is to say common without the common touch.

“Don't worry about it. Most Scots are not as obsessed by class as you are. A man's a man, an' a' that”.

Speaking for most Scots now? I don’t think so Hamish, you keep getting an awful lot wrong: assumptions present as evidence.

Doing any activism yet? If so, let me remind you that you are wasting your time, I am sure that someone like yourself will realise that investing in a collapsing market is a poor judgment call.

Unless of course there is something in it for you!

It seems that Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon’s nasty vile cliques cannot produce the goods, 90 minute Nationalists who got where they are on the work and wits of others. A big defeat is coming their way, you should enjoy it; these people deserve to lose badly.

What then for Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond, does he retire to the backbenches and take Joan McAlpine with him?

Finally, I am still waiting for you to save Scottish independence, what is the matter, are you too busy? 

Not willing to fight for a country for the rich, ruled by the rich for the benefit of the rich?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University  


  1. do you speak German George? I am curious to know.

  2. Dear George,
    "less than one hour a day" on the blog? So what work do you do for the other 33 hours of the average working week to make ends meet?

    It becomes clearer than ever that you are a man of independent means, especially when you say you were in a position to forego payment for teaching at Glasgow University.

    I suspect you have never done a full day's paid work in your life, which rather disqualifies you from being the authentic voice of the working class.

    Before you ask, I don't do a stroke of work these days, apart from voluntary work. My income comes largely from the old age pension, based on 39 years of contributions. This enables me to enjoy a life of idleness and debauchery, well idleness mainly, I'm still working on the debauchery.

  3. Dear All

    Dear Hamish

    "less than one hour a day" on the blog?”

    I blog from the Library, the allocation is two hours a day and it is also shut on Sunday.

    I would also like to draw your attention to you implying I am a liar.

    As people know I don’t lie and I don’t like being called a liar either.

    “So what work do you do for the other 33 hours of the average working week to make ends meet?”

    I don’t give out personal information Hamish; I have a stalker who is under Police Scotland investigation.

    “It becomes clearer than ever that you are a man of independent means, especially when you say you were in a position to forego payment for teaching at Glasgow University”.

    That doesn’t suggest anything of the kind, and if you knew anything about me other than assumptions you keep making, you would know I have a very specific reason why I never took either payment or even expenses.

    And for the record it cost me money to teach at Glasgow University for free in my youth.

    So far, everything you state is wrong, should I be impressed by your Sturgeonesque abilities?

    “I suspect you have never done a full day's paid work in your life, which rather disqualifies you from being the authentic voice of the working class”.

    I have worked as a womble, a street sweeper, overground, underground wombling free; the wombles of uni, common are we. I think working as a street sweeper qualifies me the authentic voice of the working class.

    “Before you ask, I don't do a stroke of work these days, apart from voluntary work”.

    I wasn’t going to ask, while at uni, some of the gym staff felt I should care about them, when they realised that I never thought twice about them or their 'happiness', for some reason they became really upset, especially the stupid bitch that ran the facility….. badly.

    I am not in the big hugs business!

    “My income comes largely from the old age pension, based on 39 years of contributions. This enables me to enjoy a life of idleness and debauchery, well idleness mainly; I'm still working on the debauchery”.

    I don’t care Hamish.

    Finally, you have never answered why you aren’t saving the Scottish independence campaign.Is it beyond your abilities, it is certainly beyond Salmond and Sturgeon.

    You have a real nice day.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
