Thursday, December 19, 2013

Cowdenbeath by-election special: SNP Candidate Natalie McGarry named in a Police Scotland criminal investigation, her “pals” Shona McAlpine, Office Manager to Muslim MSP Humza Yousaf and Jonathan Mackie, Regional Advisor at Yes Scotland also passed onto the Police.

Dear All

The SNP has selected the odious Natalie McGarry as its candidate to contest the Cowdenbeath by-election on 23 January 2014.

The good news is that by selecting Nicola Sturgeon's proxy, the Labour Party has probably won the contest already on merit.

If you read my blog you will know I write about the 'publicly unelectables' of the SNP.

Natalie McGarry is one of them.

Awhile ago, I informed people that I have a stalker called @georgemlaird, when this Nationalist hate campaign started two of Natalie McGarry "friends", Shona McAlpine and Jonathan Mackie immediately joined the followers list of that account along with Anniesland SNP.

Anniesland SNP?

Not important enough to mention further.

Ms. Natalie McGarry linked my blog to the hate account 'georgemlaird in a tweet, currently she has closed her account to outsiders such as the press, apparently yet again, the public don't have a right to know what they are getting as their MSP candidate.

Her name however she will be delighted to know has been passed onto Police Scotland.

This hate account is much more than Wings over Scotland could ever be, but it does show the true calibre of Natalie McGarry. It is an account that calls me among other things a paedophile.

Maybe Ms. McGarry can offer an explanation to the press at the Cowdenbeath by-election why she did this?

Let me just repeat something again because I feel it is important, Natalie McGarry's name has been passed onto Police Scotland who are investigating the Nationalist hate campaign against me.

The investigation is still live.

Recently I was speaking on BBC radio, Ms. Garry was also invited on, normally in politics you exchange ‘hellos’, but in her case, I just ignored her totally before, during and after the broadcast. During a break I wandered around to Holyrood, to see the sights, not having been before as I strolled about I spoke to the press and happened to bump into the Labour MP Anas Sarwar who along with another person stopped for a quick chat.

I keep bumping into him for some reason, anyway, I was told by someone that my blog,  "doesn't miss and hit the wall".

That means I got a good write up, always nice to see people enjoying what I write.

Scotland's unpopular Deputy First Minster Nicola Sturgeon also saw me on 'white paper' day, but put her head down when she saw me at Holyrood, sadly Nicola isn't the 'social justice' campaigner she makes out to be.

My opinion is that she is a rat much like her husband Peter Murrell who is the SNP Chief Executive. Murrell apparently doesn't believe that poor people (me) are entitled to the same protection in the SNP as members of the rich man's clique that he protects.

I maybe poor, but my voice carries a certain weight among some people.

Back to by-election for the Scottish Parliament, that is taking place due to the death of Labour MSP Helen Eadie.

Ms. Eadie died at the age of 66 from cancer, it was a sudden shock to many who watch the political scene.

As to the 'offical version' of how wonderful Ms McGarry is, she currently according to the press works as a policy adviser in a third sector organisation.

She said her 'priority' if elected would be to serve as "a strong local voice" in the Scottish Parliament.

McGarry doesn't live in Cowdenbeath as far as I am aware, and I suspect if elected she won't be moving there either, her boyfriend or partner is the sole Glasgow Tory Councillor David Meikle.

She has worked in Human Resources and as a community officer for unemployed parents; she is also a co-founder of Women for Independence, which like ‘Labour for indy’ is seen as a front for the SNP by some people.

McGarry said:

"There is so much at stake in this by-election - almost immediately after the new MSP takes their seat, parliament will be voting on the budget to protect the people's policies - the council tax freeze, the bus pass, free personal care for older citizens and much, much more. I will be proud to vote for these policies, and will be proud to stand on the Scottish government's record of achievement."

The SNP already have enough votes to get anything through Holyrood so her getting elected is meaningless because nothing is at risk in this by-election.

Are some of the SNP MSPs going to vote against any of the above things listed?

The answer is probably no, when you aren't very bright or original you just follow the herd that is the way it works in the SNP.

A crony ridden pit which runs on the tagline of 'standing up for Scots' as a punch line.

Speaking of punch lines, the SNP appear to be selecting female candidates and losing badly, the stigma of SNP MSP Bill Walker who was smashing in women's faces for three decades has killed the women's vote.

And let us be clear, the SNP knew about Bill Walker prior to him being selected as an SNP MSP candidate, however, Bill has a few quid, his 'good buddy' is Scotland's unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

If you don't know who she is, she was the SNP Health Sec who left Scots women to die from cancer because they couldn't get the same drugs that are available in England.

Nicola Sturgeon is such a hero, especially to Joyce in Inverclyde, you remember her?

Nicola did the photo op with her, and Joyce nearly died while waiting on the right drug, before she got that help, she lost a third of her kidney only then did she get the drug she needed.

I blogged on this prior to her relapse and said Sturgeon should get her the drug, apparently Ms. Sturgeon must have a problem, being unable to think at speed. This is my absolute fav story of 'Nicola Cares' which the SNP hark about the place when they do her 'woman of the people' gag.

Nicola however is truly a rising star, the granddaughter of an Englishwomen who wants to deliver us Scots from Westminster!

Despite being rich, Ms. Sturgeon has never managed to shed having a lack of class and is basically 'common' without having the common touch.

Although Ms. McGarry will get a lot of help as the SNP are 'good' at doing by-elections, this will not help her at all, she is probably going to lose and she deserves to lose. No doubt I will probably come across her during my political travels at some point, but I won't be forgetting what she did regarding linking my blog to the hate account @georgemlaird.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University  


  1. Yes you are entirely correct in your assertion that she doesn't live in this constituency and hasn't for a number of years.She is not on the electoral register here. Infact when I asked a few fellow Inverkeithing residents the immediate reply was "who?" and "if she is like her mother, god help us" not my words but the people of Inverkeithings

  2. sorry that was my comment but I didn't leave my name!

  3. I take it from your piece you don't like the SNP but tell me do you hate all nationalist's or only the ones who can think for themselves?

  4. I take it from your piece you hate the SNP but tell me do you hate all nationalist's or only the ones who can think for themselves?
