Saturday, November 16, 2013

Scottish independence: SNP attempt to ‘steal the credit’ for the work of others as North Sea Row over oil billions bonanza bubbles to the surface, to attempt to take the laurels rightly belonging to someone else is pretty despicable stuff and new low for Alex Salmond’s clique

Dear All

Credit for investment in the North Sea belongs to the UK Government; just like credit for saving Govan and Scotstoun shipbuilding belong to the UK Government as well.

So, let’s make this point, support for Scottish independence has completely collapsed, no one is buying Alex Salmond and Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s poisonous vision.

Unfortunately, despite not learning from Nicola Sturgeon’s Govan fiasco, the Scottish Government run by the SNP is attempting to steal the credit for  a new £4 billion investment in a North Sea oil field.

So, what did the SNP do to bring this investment to Scotland?


That is what they did, there is something rather pathetic and sordid about taking the laurels that rightly belong to someone else, however, the Scottish National Party has sunk so slow that they are trying to grab anything and claim it as their work.

Now, a political row has broken out after Edinburgh and London came to a rammy, ‘Tartan Tory’ Fergus Ewing who is entirely meaningless as an SNP Minister says the announcement and other recent investments were "unequivocal evidence" of faith in the future of the industry north of the Border.

And by faith in the SNP and Scottish independence!
No Tartan Tory Chancellor George Osborne disagrees and says the credit lay with his government's efforts to create a competitive tax regime.

So, who is right?

‘Tartan Tory’ Fergus Ewing who has lived off the coattails of his family’s reputation of winning Hamilton in the 1960’s or George Osborne who actually controls the tax system?

Well, it’s George Osborne, people don’t invest £4 billion based on Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond gormless smile.

Aberdeen-based EnQuest is the UK's largest independent oil company; they don’t base their business case on ‘fairweather’ Salmond, a man who has been described by Donald Trump as “dishonest”, “untrustworthy” and “lacking in integrity”.

Amjad Bseisu, EnQuest chief executive treading a fine line said his firm needed to work with partners on the field.

He added:
"It is only by combining our skills and expertise with fiscal incentives, such as heavy oil allowances, that really substantial projects like Kraken are possible."

SNP Highlands and Islands MSP Mike MacKenzie said:

"It is only a Yes vote in 2014 that will allow us to build a lasting economic legacy from our offshore resources that will benefit Scotland for generations to come."

Apparently everything is about independence; perhaps the SNP drone has been preprogrammed, doesn’t strike me as impressive, the ability to speak is useful, the ability to just repeat mantra isn’t.

Osborne said:

"This is a big investment that will create jobs and boost the British economic plan. It is also evidence our efforts to create a competitive tax regime that gets the most oil and gas out of the North Sea are working."

Oil & Gas UK operations director Oonagh Werngren said:

"Development of Kraken will secure a significant number of jobs for the UK, provide a valuable source of primary energy to enhance our security of supply and generate tax revenues for the Treasury, which is all to be welcomed."

Reading this, I think Ms. Werngren isn’t buying into Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond or Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minster Nicola Sturgeon’s amateurish and ultimately misjudged campaign bid.

£4 billion has been invested because of the tax system makes the business case for investment, not the look of stupidity on Salmond’s face.

What next claiming the investment is a show of confidence in SNP Minister Derek MacKay as a future SNP leader?

Some people in the SNP need to learn politics or else need to shut up!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Fergus Ewing..... the clown that claims Engerlund will continue the 60% subsidy on Scotlands windfarms after a Yes vote.
    Because it's in Engerlund's best interest. He also claims
    Engerlund will pay top dollar
    for our electricity.

    Where oh where do the SNP
    find such naive arseholes?
    His family name carries him otherwise it would be stuffing propaganda through letterboxes.
