Monday, November 4, 2013

Losing SNP by-election candidate Shirley-Anne Somerville leaves Yes job after humiliating defeat in Dunfermline to take up job at the SNP, all senior women have now deserted Yes Scotland, excitement all gone in Hope Street!

Dear All

The defeated SNP candidate at the Dunfermline by-election is not returning to her post at Yes Scotland.

How could she, disloyal Shirley-Anne Somerville has jumped ship from Yes Scotland back to the SNP.

The SNP is a party within a party and the ‘prize’ for coming second in the Dunfermline by-election is a job working for the party.

Oh the shame!

Yes Scotland is seen as an SNP front, and how much more evidence do you need after this incident, Yes Scotland is just a shell, a meeting place to convince other parties to stay with the programme.

Recently Sturgeon’s dug, Jonathan Mackie was crowing about how the SNP had selected all women in recent by-elections.

So far, the SNP women have all lost, even women voters baulk at what is presented as candidates by the SNP.

You might be tempted to think that the sole reason is because of the Bill Walker scandal, Walker was elected as the SNP MSP for Dunfermline, he is now in prison, apparently wanting to hold lectures on independence.

You have to laugh, Nicola Sturgeon’s pal, her buddy, her little rock fighting for Scotland behind bars!

Shirley-Anne Somerville wanted to desert the sinking ship of Yes Scotland, can’t blame her, out of four directors, three have quit and all of them are women.

First to sneak away was operations director Jacqueline Caldwell; she made the first successful ‘home run’ from the basement in Hope Street.

Next to break the wire was communications chief Susan Stewart, she came from Glasgow University media relations department, out from the comfort of the ‘palace’ in Gilmorehill, she found it hard to sell the Yes message. No progress in over a year. Hardly impressive stuff, however, she did hear of me, and asked recent how well I did in the Govan by-election. I never knew her at Glasgow University; she was nobody without any importance.

Then came the Dunfermline by-election and the opportunity to feather her nest, Shirley-Anne Somerville leaped at the chance, return to Holyrood as another SNP drone.

And she lost by a huge majority to the Labour Candidate Cara Hilton.    

Someville’s departure has fuelled concerns about the lack of women in key positions at the organization, however we should bear in mind that there are two people worth mentioning, Stan Blackley  and Jonathan Mackie, they are a right pair of fannies.

Apparently they think they are doing a good job there, when the defeat comes it will highlight to them that brains are required for the next attempt at Scottish independence.

A source at Better Together said:

"The SNP campaign is constantly telling us about this army of grass-roots activists they are building. It must be hard to build an army when the generals keep resigning."

I guess the excitement of being in a losing Yes campaign must have run out for Somerville as has the appeal of Scotland' 'jolly fat man' Alex Salmond to the public with his poisonous vision.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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