Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Gordon ‘free dinners’ Matheson comes up with a diabolical attempt to remove the cone from the Duke of Wellington statute in Royal Exchange Square, outrage in the Chambers saw his plan ‘grassed up’ as thousands of Glaswegians rush to protect their heritage

Dear All

It is an outrage!

Apparently some bright spark has decided that a cone on top of the Duke of Wellington on horseback in Royal Exchange Square is unacceptable.

As long as I can remember Glaswegians have climbed the statute to stick a cone there as a symbol to authority.

What does the symbol represent?

Get it right up ye!

In fact the Duke of Wellington without his cone is such an unusual sight to be worthy of comment.

No matter what the height, no matter what the weather, trusty and stoic Glaswegians potter up like mountaineers up Everest to reach the summit.

God bless them.

The Duke of Wellington is an A-Listed monument in Glasgow city centre but it is an  A-Listed monument in Glasgow city centre with a cone.

When the news broke that Glasgow City Council wanted to draw up plans to stop the masses fulfilling their democracy right there was an immediate public outcry.

Some people in Glasgow City Council wrongly believe that the practice projects a "depressing" image of the city, far from, it shows how happy go lucky Glaswegians are.

Nothing depressing about that is there?

An online petition to save the cone on the Duke of Wellington has attracted 4000 signatures so far, with organisers Donna Yates and Gavin Doig say it is a part of the city's heritage.

Anyway, someone leaked the plans and all hell broke loose, Labour leader Gordon ‘free dinners’ Matheson is said to be livid after his scheme was ‘grassed up’ to the masses.

One source said:

"Yes, we all agree that the tradition of the cone on the duke's head is probably one to move on from but its not a 'depressing sight', as the application made out. It was probably felt this document was for internal consumption and wouldn't become public, but it has. Gordon [Matheson, the council leader] is as livid about this as I've ever seen him. He appreciates there's a lot of affection for this and the tone and language of the application hasn't helped. The issue now is how to move on from this and the first step will be to withdraw the application."

Italian artist Baron Carlo Marochetti would be very proud that his work is thought of so highly by so many.

Gary Nesbit is a leading expert on Glasgow's public statues; he says that damage is being done to the duke by decades of being climbed upon. Surely the proper thing is to leave the cone alone then.

If man can get up Everest, then the Duke of Wellington’s statue is well easy, just a punt up and Bob’s your uncle.

No compromise on the Wellington cone, finally the cone must be red and white, some charlatans in the past have used other types but only a red and white is appropriate.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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