Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Scottish independence: Nationalist supporter Hamish says he would vote for the Nazis if it got Scotland independence, he has met Alex Salmond, and on several occasions Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, failed the moral maze question!

Dear Hamish

Have you ever heard of the Court of Public Opinion?

Sadly, it appears you have convicted yourself.

Was Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon ever your lawyer?

If so, ask for a refund, part of her responsibility is to tell you to think before you say something incredibility stupid and when in doubt say nothing.

To recap for you here is what you uttered:

You said that you would vote for the Nazis if they wanted Scottish independence in the moral maze question.

Hamish, the correct answer is No, you wouldn’t vote for the Nazis if they were in power, didn’t history teach you anything?

So you would be supporting racism, injustice and inequality.

“But I have sufficient respect for our neighbours in the present UK to know that the hypothesis is not credible”.

What does it have to do with “our neighbours”?

Learn to stick to the point.

Also this further answer shows that you really don’t get it.

“If a bunch of sectarian thugs supported your football team would you switch your allegiance? No, you would send the thugs packing?”

Not the same scenario.

“For the record, I have met Alex Salmond once abd Nicola Sturgeon on several occasions. I respect the abilities of both, but I am not a confidant or crony of either”.

You respect Nicola Sturgeon for leaving Scottish women to die from cancer by not providing the same drugs available to people in England?

Say whit!

“I am a life-long supporter of the principle of the right of every nation to determine its own affairs”.

Does that include Zimbabwe? Rigged elections and murder are the hall mark for that regime!

So, fail on the moral maze question, fail on football team scenario and fail on “the principle of the right of every nation to determine its own affairs”.

All three wrong that is really something Hamish; and you wonder why independence is on its arse!

An Anon reader has looked at what you said and decided to post a few well chosen comments, this might upset you.

“Just read Hamish's comment about Nazi's and he would still voting for Independence.
One of the reason's why the YES campaign can't get above 25 per cent. Complete and utter arsehole. And that's me being kind”.

You see Hamish, there are Nationalists who agree with the George Laird view, because the George Laird view isn’t a knee jerk reaction, it is thought-out.

The poster went further:

“I'm really angry that we have arseholes like him in our movement. We should be attracting voters not panicking them with attitudes that he has.

And to think you have met Alex Salmond and Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minster Nicola Sturgeon. 

You couldn’t have failed to notice that in Ms. Sturgeon’s company that you weren’t in the presence of ‘greatness’ Hamish.

Ms. Sturgeon surrounds herself with trash and nonentities in order to make her look good.

Nicola Sturgeon looks like the type who someone has to ‘buy’ friends and allies for her, without her knowledge of course.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Dear George.
    You usually report my comments accurately and fairly, but on this occasion tou are putting words in my mouth. I did not say I would vote for the Nazis.
    Your hypothesis was that the Nazis were in power in the current UK, pre-independence. All the more reason to leave the Union if that were the case.


  3. Dear Hamish

    “You usually report my comments accurately and fairly, but on this occasion tou are putting words in my mouth. I did not say I would vote for the Nazis”.

    I am happy you have decided to public state that you would not vote for the Nazis.

    If you remember I asked in the moral maze question:

    "If the Nazis got into power and wanted Scottish independence, would you vote for it?"

    You replied:

    “Yes, of course”.

    So, you won’t vote for the Nazis but in the hypothesis you would vote for one of their policies.

    I am sure you can understand the confusion because in politics, people claim that if you vote for them then you have signed up to their whole agenda.

    “Your hypothesis was that the Nazis were in power in the current UK, pre-independence. All the more reason to leave the Union if that were the case”.

    Obviously I was talking about the Scottish setup rather than the current UK, I hope you are not trying to put words into my mouth Hamish?

    You will be glad to know that someone has picked up the story.


    Apparently my little blog is getting quoted and spread about the place.

    And the answer to the moral maze question is still No!

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  4. Blinded by romantic notions of Scottish bravery and hooked on Braveheart guys like Hamish will vote for
    Independence at any cost.
    Voters will come out in droves
    if they are given facts, not half
    truths or lies, even in "terms of
    the debate".

    75 per cent of the electorate are now branded traitors ??!! by
    folk like Hamish.
    Treat voters as intelligent
    people not imbeciles. Give us
    hard facts, good or bad. All the
    assertions all the promises
    mean zilch.
    Personally I don't care what
    Better Together has to say,
    most of it is nonsense. But if
    the SNP want me to take a
    chance on Independence best
    way to do it is to state some
    cold hard facts. The promise of Nirvana, milk and honey ain't gonny happen.
    Grow up Hamish and learn, snake oil salesmen will tell you what you want to hear.
