Monday, August 26, 2013

Scottish independence: the relative of a victim of wife beater Bill Walker calls on Nicola Sturgeon’s husband Peter Murrell to consider his position as SNP Chief Executive and resign, Murrell covered up many serious investigations at the SNP, he made his wife a political liability, Walker is Sturgeon’s Gillian Duffy moment

Dear All


You can’t have failed to notice that the Scottish independence campaign is anything but fair under the leadership of Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon.

The Scottish National Party members have set up multiple phoney little groups to try and suggest that massive support exists for independence.

But I want to turn to Nicola Sturgeon’s friends, her inner circle, her buddies, and her rock.

Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and her close personal friend convicted wife beater Bill Walker are fighting for a fairer and more equal society.

Bill Walker took time out from 'fighting for Scotland' to do some fighting on the ‘home front’, for 30 years ‘Battling Bill’ delivered beating after beating.

Another friend of Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is Sean Connery, Sean believes in Scottish independence, however like Bill Walker, he also believes that sometimes when appropriate a woman needs a good slap because ‘they won’t let it go’.

Another close friend of Nicola Sturgeon is Shona McAlpine, McAlpine abused an Asian man at Pollok SNP candidate selection meeting.

And another close personal friend of Nicola Sturgeon is SNP Euro Candidate Chris Stephens, he sat back and let an Asian man be abused and smeared behind his back.

Close personal friend of Nicola Sturgeon is Natalie McGarry, Ms. Garry using twitter linked my blog to a fake account @georgemlaird that says I am a paedophile.

To add to the growing list, you have to add in Gail Lythgoe, she is the wife of Muslim list MSP Humza Yousaf, she ran a hate campaign against Ian Davidson, the Labour MP for Pollok.

Do you remember SNP Councillor Jahangir Hanif, he is the man who put an AK 47 into the hands of a young child; he is another close personal friend of Nicola Sturgeon.

What about SNP MSP Joan McAlpine, she is named as the ‘other woman’ in a divorce case, McAlpine, a close friend and colleague of Nicola Sturgeon.

Apparently Nicola gets sick to her stomach when she hears about domestic violence, in the McAlpine case where emotional violence was used, Nicola Sturgeon is totally silent, apparently emotional abuse doesn't engender the same concern. 

What’s the difference Nicola?

Last on this list, Peter Murrell, he is facing calls to resign as SNP Chief Executive; he is also the husband of Nicola Sturgeon.

Peter Murrell received numerous complaints and buried them, there was no investigation, in my case, I can say this because I have personal experience. Regarding my Data Subject Access Request, the SNP data controller broke the law, the time limit is 40 days and I received it after 120 days, ID not returned, and information I requested not there.

When I asked who the data controller at the SNP was; Peter Murrell replied by email to me that he was responsible.

Nicola Sturgeon’s position is that she is entirely ignorant of what is going on around her by her inner circle and husband Peter Murrell.

As regards the women's vote this is a game changer, the Bill Walker scandal is Sturgeon’s Gillian Duffy moment.

So, what is the good news?

I mean there must be something, some ray of hope in this sea of darkness, well apparently, some women involved in women’s rights who have met Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon are very unhappy.

And probably won’t be putting out the welcome mat when she pops into see them, they have 'concerns and questions' along the lines of who knew what and when.

Finally, Nicola Sturgeon has to go, she is a liability, remember how George Laird, thee George Laird  famously stated that Alex Salmond shouldn't appoint her as the ‘face of indy’ and should send her back to health.

George Laird right again.

Bill Walker, close personal friend of Nicola Sturgeon and wife beater is only the tip of the iceberg; there are many more cover ups that her husband and SNP Chief Executive Peter Murrell failed to act on.

You can make your own mind on whether Nicola Sturgeon knew!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University 


  1. I am not at all surprised at your revelations. The SNP will do and say anything to gain more power. Just reading through your piece shows how corrupt they are. They have much to tell the Scottish people of the details etc surrounding independence. So far, they have told us nothing. As all they seem to do is blame Westminster for everything under the sun. The people of Scotland should see through all this smoke and mirrors from Salmond and his corrupt bunch, and start asking for the TRUTH.

  2. What will Westminster come up with next, I wonder what dirty little secrets I can find on the Westminster politicians......................It is Kind of hard to knock down the SNP government especially when the have done more fore this country in 10yrs, than Westminster has done in a 100 yrs

  3. What will Westminster come up with next, I wonder what dirty little secrets I can find on the Westminster politicians......................It is Kind of hard to knock down the SNP government especially when the have done more fore this country in 10yrs, than Westminster has done in a 100 yrs
