Thursday, August 8, 2013

Scottish independence, Alex Salmond gets into an undignified 'verbal brawl' with Aberdeen Labour Councillor Leader Barney Crocket who says Alex Salmond is a ‘liar’ and accuses him of ‘bullying’, Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ is clearly rattled

Dear All

It seems the easy ride of Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond is over, people are getting it into their heads to stand up and talk back.

The latest people to stand up to Salmond are Scottish Labour Councillors in Aberdeen, events have turned nasty very quickly with council leader Barney Crockett having ago at the First Minister and using a strategy that Salmond"lied" about campaigning at a school.

Council leader Barney Crockett has also said that Alex Salmond has "demeaned the office" of First Minister.

It is an extraordinary affair with Alex Salmond verbally brawling with Labour Councillors, his response was to accuse them of "kamikaze behaviour" and "inflicting reputational and economic damage on the city".

How undignified.

It seems that the ‘jolly fat man’ approach by Salmond has certainly worn out its welcome in the country's third biggest city.

The incident at a School was Salmond entering it through the fire exit to address a group of pupils without the headteacher's knowledge.

That was totally wrong, and to make matters worse, it happened in the run-up to the Aberdeen Donside by-election in June.

When the Council found out it made a justified formal complaint, Salmond then made an angry reply to council chief executive Valerie Watts.

Salmond’s story is that he was invited into the school by a member of the parent council and insisted "the visit was totally private" with "no media".

Not the headteacher and not good enough.

The letter informed Ms Watts:

"I know as chief executive that you have to act on the instruction of your ruling group of councillors. However, I would ask you to reflect on this. I have been First Minister for over six years. During that time I have dealt with all 32 local authorities, of all political persuasions and none. No council behaves in the extreme manner of Aberdeen City Council over a range of issues. I would suggest that the majority group are now in danger of bringing the council into total disrepute with the knock-on reputational risks that that has for the great city of Aberdeen."

Sounds like the angry little Salmond of old, the ‘jolly fat man’ guise dropped, the bile spilling out, grudge, grievance and malcontent.

To make matter worse, rather than keeping his mouth firmly shut, Salmond then stoked up the affair by another letter accusing a Labour Councillor of making an "insane, indeed kamikaze" call to withdraw public support for next year's Scottish Open at Royal Aberdeen over the club's male-only membership.

Labour leader Barney Crockett yesterday accused the First Minister of bullying.

Crockett also raised the issue that the SNP press office asking the media to attend a meeting between the First Minister and Bramble Brae parents outside the school gates.

He said:

"Alex Salmond says his visit to Bramble Brae was 'totally private'. If that was the case, why did the SNP press office issue a calling notice to the media inviting them to attend?”

That is an excellent question to ask.

Crockett added:

"Alex Salmond is asking if councillors are taking 'insane' and 'kamikaze' positions. The best example of that sort of behaviour is the First Minister writing a letter which lies about his actions in abusing his position during a by-election. Given the First Minister has lied about the circumstances of his visit in his capacity as First Minister, I am demanding an apology and that he withdraws his inaccurate statement. With another lie, Alex Salmond has yet again, demeaned the office that he holds."

Scottish Conservative North East MSP Alex Johnstone said:

"This letter is a thinly-veiled threat and an appalling approach for the First Minister to take."

Alex Salmond is becoming increasingly an embarrassment to the people of Scotland, now Scots are standing up to him and speaking out, this is a good thing.

Verbal brawling with Scottish Labour Councillors, and from the looks of this story, it seems that the Labour has got the better of Salmond hence the screaming like a little girl.

Time for a quote by Alex Salmond:

"My problem is that I have too many talented people and not enough Cabinet positions”.

Well, it looks like a wee guy called Barney Crockett has put Alex Salmond firmly in his place, independence defeat is coming like an uncontrolled train down the tracks; the crash will be spectacular in nature.

It's all going wrong now!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Right on Alex. This is just the start of probably many smear campaigns before the independence vote. I am firmly with the SNP and have voted that way for the last 41 years. Methinks Barney is getting his knickers in a twist because his party is a waste of space and Aberdeen council has let down the people of Aberdeen very badly. Give our Alex a break, he has always had the interests of Scotland firmly in his mind. Why should we be governed by the likes of Cameron who is self seeking and has absolutely no idea of the needs of the 'ordinary' people of Britain.

  2. Right on Alex. This is just the start of probably many smear campaigns before the independence vote. I am firmly with the SNP and have voted that way for the last 41 years. Methinks Barney is getting his knickers in a twist because his party is a waste of space and Aberdeen council has let down the people of Aberdeen very badly. Give our Alex a break, he has always had the interests of Scotland firmly in his mind. Why should we be governed by the likes of Cameron who is self seeking and has absolutely no idea of the needs of the 'ordinary' people of Britain.
