Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Scottish independence: Two “special” people, Nationalist MSPs, Bill Walker and Nicola Sturgeon share a moment together, one allegedly beat up his former wives and the other covers up allegations of abuse in the SNP, Nicola “cares” about social justice, but just in public, privately, it's a different story if you are working class!

Dear All

Bill Walker was elected to the Scottish Parliament as a SNP MSP.

The SNP has admitted it was warned about his domestic violent past three years before he was elected to Holyrood.

Information about Bill Walker was also presented to the constituency office of the deputy first minister Nicola Sturgeon in February 2008.

This was done by a relative of Walker's third wife.

So, what did Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon do?

Well, it is an old story here were Nicola Sturgeon is concerned, she didn’t do anything of note, so much for the ‘concerned citizen’ act that she regularly uses to dupe the public, Walker was still allowed to stand as an SNP MSP.

Nicola ‘cares’ about women beating, obviously, however in this case, it wasn't exactly her finest hour regarding the women who were allegedly beaten by a member of Team SNP.

Then she isn’t exactly a ‘woman of action’!

But then she isn’t exactly fast out of the blocks when it comes to further allegations of abuse in the Scottish National Party either.

Nicola is so slow and so is her husband, SNP Chief Executive Peter Murrell, Scotland's Golden and Premier freedom fighting couple, the East End of Glasgow Champagne socialists, £200k a year warriors for justice .

How odd is it that the SNP are using Nicola Sturgeon to ‘get the women’s vote’ when she is part of the story of an allegedly wife beating MSP?

Nicola ‘cares’, with every penny of her SNP Government Minister’s salary and expenses.

Have a look at the picture, two “happy” people, just glad to be together to share a special moment together.

Less special but more important is the Court where Bill Walker will face 24 charges of assaulting 4 women over a 28-year period.

Bill has been terribly unlucky with woman, 24 times over a 28 year period.

He claims that he acted in self defence in relation to three of the allegations.

That leaves 21 charges where he isn’t claiming self defence.

Bill Walker,71, has appeared at a procedural hearing at Edinburgh Sheriff Court in relation to the domestic abuse allegations, given the volume, he is going to a full trial.

During the five-minute hearing, the court was told that prosecution lawyers and Mr Martin (his brief) had agreed evidence in relation to the dates of the politician's marriages and divorces.

Hardly smoking gun stuff but the real ‘event’ comes later, as the court also heard that the Crown were in the process of citing a total of 24 witnesses.

So, we have 4 women and 24 witnesses, against a single Nationalist MSP who sits up the back of Holyrood still cheering for Alex Salmond..... because 'it's the right thing to do'.

28 against 1, it seems that Nationalist MSP Bill Walker will need a rather good story.

And here is a link about another colleague of Nicola Sturgeon who is campaigning hard for Scottish independence.

He is willing to give a woman a good slap if they deserve it as he says it is "absolutely right" sometimes.

I wonder if Bill Walker will be calling Nicola Sturgeon or Alex Salmond as character witnesses he needs people to tell the Court about what a great guy he is, and how he ‘cares’, maybe even Sean Connery could fly in and offer support!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University 

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