Thursday, June 6, 2013

Scottish independence: Scottish National Party is now reduced to deception as they issue leaflet to voters in by-election telling them that they are voting to choose a replacement SNP Councillor, Scotland isn’t a ‘one-party state’ despite SNP attempts

Dear All

You can’t have failed to notice that truth and the Scottish National Party have parted company some considerable time ago.

In the Liberton/Gilmerton council by-election, the SNP has been accused of misleading voters after issuing leaflets which talk about an “SNP by-election”.

They are telling people they are being asked to choose a “replacement SNP councillor”.

This is not true; it is outright deception and shows how bad things have become in the SNP as the Scottish independence campaign goes on.

They say that truth is the first casualty of war, in the end, truth can put you into power, lying has its own reward.

Does the SNP deserve to win the Liberton/Gilmerton by-election after this stunt?

No is the short answer, and it shows that the ‘talent’ in the SNP is lacking, George Laird right again.

Voters in Liberton/Gilmerton are due to go to the polls on June 20 to elect a new councillor following the death of the SNP’s Tom Buchanan.

In by-elections from my experience, the party whose member dies; can generally get its voters to turn out and return a new member.

This contest however isn’t about a replace SNP Councillor but is very much an open contest involving Labour, Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Greens, UKIP, the Pirate Party and an independent as well as the Nationalists.

By-elections can be funny, sometimes local issues can dominate, other times, outside influences can come to the fore.

The SNP leaflet says:

“Sadly Councillor Tom Buchanan passed away recently and on June 20th you’ll be asked to vote in a local election to find a replacement SNP councillor for our area.”

Voter Kay Jenkinson, said she was shocked when she read the leaflet put through her door she said:

“We know most political parties, if not all, can be strangers to accuracy but this is just ridiculous. It’s not an SNP by-election. I don’t wish any harm to the candidate, but it’s just wrong.”

Ms Jenkinson, from Moredun Park Drive, added:

“Tom Buchanan was very well thought of in the area. He was a decent, hard-working councillor. But this leaflet is at the very least inaccurate and I can’t help feeling it’s deliberately worded to influence people.”

SNP candidate Derek Howie has denied the leaflet was misleading.

Can this person understand English?

His feeble mutterings involve saying and admitted the description of the contest as an SNP by-election was “obviously an error”.

The campaign team all failed to spot this?

Howie said:

“It’s not an SNP ­by-election, it’s a council ­by-election. There’s probably nothing we can do about it. They are all printed. I don’t think there is any attempt to mislead and I don’t think anyone will be misled.”

It’s deception.

And if you need a reason not to vote for Howie, then he aptly gives one, he said there was nothing wrong in saying voters were to choose “a replacement SNP councillor”, adding: “We’re trying to replace Tom Buchanan with another SNP councillor. I’m not sure that’s terribly misleading.”

What is his IQ?

To say he comes across as dense does cretins a disservice.

Labour candidate Keith Robson said he had been surprised at the leaflet.

His pitch:

“My first thought was, how on earth can they get away with that? But I’m just concentrating on ­campaigning.”

A senior Labour source went further, saying the SNP were ­taking voters for fools:

“They would like people to believe this is a one-party state and they can only vote SNP. In fact, people in Liberton/Gilmerton have an abundant choice of candidates and should be allowed to go into the election without politicians trying to pull the wool over their eyes.”

In this case, one person who doesn’t deserve to elected to public is Derek Howie, on the grounds of stupidity.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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