Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Scottish independence: Nicola Sturgeon gets 'politically ass raped' on Newsnight Scotland by Gordon Brewer, torn apart, shown to be inadequate, SNP welfare report is another nail in coffin of Alex Salmond, SNP can’t be trusted to protect Scots

Dear All

Did you catch Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minster Nicola Sturgeon on NewsNight Scotland last night?

Asked to guarantee welfare, she point blank refused to answer the question.

Sturgeon was on the programme to use the SNP buzzword “expert”, if that somehow reassures people on benefits that the SNP can be trusted on welfare.

Saying "expert" all the time doesn't mean shit Nicola, you know not everyone is as dumb as you think, maybe you are jaded because of the lack of talent in the SNP.

Gordon Brewer annihilated her as she tried to defend a substance lite document which didn’t answer the big questions.

The latest unworkable piece of spin is that the Scottish Government has said it wants to share the UK's welfare system.

And lets us be absolutely clear, there is no Scottish plan for welfare, it doesn’t exist, so it comes down to trust, do you trust Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon who are banking on ‘it will all be alright on the night’.

That is not good enough for millions of Scots.

The “expert” report says that there are "serious risks" to payments if an independent Scotland created a stand-alone system immediately.

Plan McB to deal with this problem?

Like the currency and EU debacles, there are no plans; it all rests on the SNP using the British system, which begs the question, what exactly will be independent about Scotland?

More and more, it looks like the SNP has overreached due to the continual problem of being run as a one man band, coupled with a genuine lack of talent by the SNP MSP, MP, Councilor and activist drones.

Next year the SNP plan to publish long term plans, that isn’t good enough, with all the other issues to be looked at in detail, whether you are for or against independence, the sensible conclusion is to say no now!

Sturgeon and Salmond’s plan all hinges on the UK saying yes, they will not do that if indy is won, at the end of negotiations, planned by the SNP to end in 2016 to meet the SNP election timetable, everything will have been moved or replicated in England.

 Alistair Darling, the head of the pro-UK Better Together campaign, claimed the policy showed "separation makes no sense".

Increasingly the SNP are publishing reasons not to vote for independence, because as their various “expert” groups conclude, everything is better done at a UK level.
80 years the SNP had to have a plan for independence and they couldn’t be bothered to have a rolling blueprint which would need to be just tweaked to take account of present circumstances.

And they couldn’t do it.

Outside their own little bubble, they think the world exists to revolve round them.

The plan to share the UK's welfare system was the key recommendation of the Scottish Government's expert working group on welfare headed by Darra Singh, a former chief executive of Jobcentre Plus.

If you don’t know Jobcentre Plus is another part of broken Britain which was never fixed, so I take Darra Singh’s expertise with a pinch of salt.

And I know many disadvantaged people who have been treated rather badly, because they can’t get a job where none exists or where opportunity is excluded from them.

In Scotland there is a highly integrated system in which Department for Work and Pension centres in Scotland administered some benefits for UK recipients.

In an independent Scotland, some of the DWP would be sacked in the medium term, what plan to help these people?


Just like there is no plan for to replace military shipbuilding and save the yards on the Clyde.

Was that work done by the SNP?


Rather than helping the SNP independence cause, this reports highlights what Scottish people already know, Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP can’t be trusted, their plan is “high risk” but with the safeguard that in the event of failure, their money is not at risk.

The panel concluded:

"Immediately separating these services would present serious risks to the continuity of payments to people in both Scotland and England and so a challenge for both an independent Scottish Government and a UK Government."

The so much ‘we can make our country anything we want’ statement is looking rather out of date now, as the panel added:

In adopting this approach, the Scottish Government would need to ensure any early priorities for change could be accommodated by the UK Government. A downside of continuing to share services might be that an independent Scottish Government finds itself unable to implement some of its early priorities for change to the benefit system."

That means that the bedroom tax will not be getting scrapped under an independent government for some time, if at all.

Adding some gravitas to the problem, Alastair Darling said:

"What would a separate Scottish welfare system look like? We are none the wiser after today's report. Slowly but surely the nationalists appear to be coming to the view that we are, in fact, better together."

The SNP are too stupid, too wee, too provincial minded to be the government of an independent Scotland, when you get through the spin, smoke and mirrors, and the lies, they stand for nothing that represents Scottish values.

Last night was a car crash on Newsnight Scotland for Nicola Sturgeon, she had no plan, no answers just kept saying the word “expert” as if that had any meaning to people on welfare.

If she thought this report is a game changer it is just another pile of self evident shit we already know, welfare is better in the UK system, however, it should be autonomous in Scotland, but not run out of the Scottish Government.  

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Surely even the most ardent SNP supporters, even the stary eyed ones with white foam round their lips, screaming "Freeeeedddddooooom" and banging on pub tables must realise, after last night's interview the SNP are really just chancers. And not very good ones either.

  2. Dear Anon

    I see Scottish indy as dead, the SNP have blown it, too stupid to run an independent country.

    They can't now run their own welfare system!

    Looking forward to seeing them defeated at the ballot, indy is a good idea but these aren't the people to do it.

    Not trusted.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. Poor wee wummin was fluffing and trying to bluff all the way through the interview.
    God help Scotland if it gains Independence with her and her Party.
    They don't know what their doing.

    Under the SNP I can't work out how we would be "Independent". This idea that our main competitor will roll over and get it's belly tickled by her is pure fantasy and shows the amateurish thinking that seems to pervade the SNP. But of course I'm just scaremongering. She doesn't understand that Scottish workers now realise that the safety net of welfare is now a fishing net for a large number of people. And they are now pissed off with it.
    I was amazed when asked what her "vision" was, she replied repeal the bedroom tax! Is that it? Gordon Brewer, quite rightly pointed out that would take us back to Britain 2 months ago!
    Wha's like us,Eh?

  4. Dear Anon

    I think this again proves my point about the lack of talent in the SNP.

    You are right when asked what was the big ideas, she had none, totally out of her depth all the way.

    It will sound terribly unkind, but I was watching and I thought to myself, despite the claptrap she was spouting using "expert" at every opportunity, gosh she is starting to look fat.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  5. I think this issue will come back to haunt the SNP, it is silly this close to indy, no details, and no agreements with UK. I am concerned that my family who can't get jobs at present will end up in a right state if Nationalists get their way. I hear privately SNP plan cuts to welfare but it isn't getting talked about publicly much like other issues. One thing in public and another in private George.

  6. She is having a laugh George, SNP switched to devo long time ago, it is a power play for more powers to secure their positions. You are one of the few punters who sees a clear path of travel, pity you aren't in the Yes campaign. Your face didn't fit, others in SNP know what went on behind the scenes.

  7. Dear SNP supporter


    I sometimes let comments of other people appear if I think they help or could be of interest to my readers.

    Aren’t you getting your little panties in a twist, complain to those who post, but given the hate from you, not surprised people like to remain anon.

    How’s Scottish independence going?

    That’s right, it is on its arse, and you such a keen supporter with a big mouth too; when will you turn it around, give me a timetable!

    Wait a minute you can’t, I forgot you aren’t very bright.

    Being not very bright is a problem, you feel lonely, always the butt of the joke, having to be the ‘hanger on’ rather than a leader?

    Isn't the real reason for the hate because you are an arselicker?


    What is with the bold caps, don’t you know that is seen as totally unprofessional? And what is wrong in saying politically ass raped anyway? If you don’t like reading the blog why come by?


    I think you may be confusing your family’s experience with mine, as most people know I don’t have a Sun tan and I am not really one for going to parks, when you have seen grass once, you really don’t need to see it again.

    Scottish independence is dead; you can fuck the independence campaign corpse up the ass if you want, tell Alex Salmond that George Laird said it was alright and ‘the right thing to do’.

    I will not be sorry to lose you as a reader even although you are badly in need of education.

    Finally 'politically ass raped' is simply a very funny expression has nothing to do with bum!

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  8. Doesn't seem like you approve comments opposing you but here goes..

    In response to your question 'what is wrong in saying politically ass raped anyway?'

    What is right about saying this? Hideously inappropriate. Before you go about defaming someone in such a way, first take a step back and think about not only the person you intend on insulting with such vulgar language but how this could massively offend others.

    I'm surprised you didn't remain anonymous yourself when posting such an insensitive comment online. Its a highly inappropriate metaphor to use. A human rights blogger at Glasgow university should surely be capable of conjuring up a better fitting comparison.

    It is degrading. It is disrespectful. It is not language that should be used by someone such as yourself, concerned with fair and equal treatment of the individual.

  9. Dear Anon

    “Doesn't seem like you approve comments opposing you but here goes.”.

    In this country you are entitled to freedom of speech, you aren’t entitled to be published.

    I trust this better explains human rights to you.

    “In response to your question 'what is wrong in saying politically ass raped anyway?'

    What is right about saying this? Hideously inappropriate. Before you go about defaming someone in such a way, first take a step back and think about not only the person you intend on insulting with such vulgar language but how this could massively offend others”.

    Firstly, let me start with a point out of order, I don’t care what you think or if you read my blog, do you understand that concept? Now, as to “Hideously inappropriate”, it is called artistic licence, my choice of how I write about that situation.

    And thirdly there is no such thing as ‘politically ass raped’ so therefore I haven’t defamed anyone, and to quote Sturgeon, ‘she became a lot happier when she didn’t give a fuck about anyone said about her’, she ‘cares’ about George Laird’s opinion? She obviously doesn’t care about being a rat tho, and neither does her husband, or indeed Fat Alex Salmond.

    “I'm surprised you didn't remain anonymous yourself when posting such an insensitive comment online”.

    No, I like the bastards to know exactly who I am when posting.

    “Its a highly inappropriate metaphor to use. A human rights blogger at Glasgow University should surely be capable of conjuring up a better fitting comparison”.

    Yes, I could then I am not open to SNP censorship from a party of parasites.

    “It is degrading. It is disrespectful”.

    It’s a tough life and you better get just to it! Also her opinion is meaningless to me, she proved she is a rat, and a rat’s opinion doesn’t have a high regard in my thoughts.

    “It is not language that should be used by someone such as yourself, concerned with fair and equal treatment of the individual”.

    She got equal treatment, I deemed it fair and appropriate based her actions. And what I write on my blog, I would say to her face. Finally for your information, Nicola Sturgeon does swear, why don’t you chin her for using degrading and disrespectful language!

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
