Saturday, June 29, 2013

Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond writes to Muirfield over men-only policy, is this cheap politicking to secure the ‘women’s vote’, what next Nicola Sturgeon demanding men get access to join the Girl Guides?

Dear All

Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond has waded into a ‘battle of sexes’ over golf membership at Muirfield, home of the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers.

Muirfield operates as men-only club.

In Britain in a number of places there are also clubs strictly for women only.

Should women be allowed women only clubs?

Yes, if likeminded people wish to get together for some mutual activity that is entirely their own affair.

Should men or boys be allowed to join the Girl Guides?

As part of Salmond’s protest, he will not attend the event next month, citing his opposition to Muirfield’s membership policy.

He won’t be missed.

Salmond said:

“The R&A should have had a good think about this, and again perhaps politely behind the scenes suggested to Muirfield that the public profile of being a single-sex club would be difficult. I don’t think it helps the game to have the suggestion of a bias against women, and the greatest tournament on this planet, played on arguably the greatest golf course, should have this impression that somehow ladies, women, girls, should be second-class citizens. I don’t think that’s right.”

Does he think men only Rugby clubs are wrong or what about women’s netball clubs?

You could go on and on, but just because a group of men get together doesn’t mean that they are discriminating against women.

It just means a group of men are getting together.

Muirfield in response to Alex Salmond’s tripe have said:

“As a club we conform to the Equality Act 2010 and any change in the membership would be for the members to decide. The club welcomes women to play either as visitors or guests year round with full use of the facilities, as will be the case throughout the championship. The club is privileged to have been asked again to have its facilities used to stage the Open, allowing golf in East Lothian and Scotland to be showcased throughout the world.”

Is this part of the independence strategy to appeal to the ‘women’s vote’?

Jackson Carlaw, Tory deputy leader, said:

“At least we will be spared photographs of him [Mr Salmond] sprawled like a beached whale beside the greens.”

Despite his stance, the Scottish Government’s tourism minister Fergus Ewing will attend the event; apparently his sense of this ‘outrage’ doesn’t match Salmond’s, but then we shouldn’t forget that the senior SNP leaders love their freebies.

Stay tuned for any possibly announcement from Nicola Sturgeon about SNP outrage about the Girl Guides operating a female only policy.

Another barmy, badly thought-out and ill judged blunder from Alex Salmond, who is becoming increasingly bizarre and divorced from reality as he sinks much like his failed SNP crony ridden independence campaign. 

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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