Wednesday, May 8, 2013

SNP councillor in Alex Salmond's own constituency defects to Lib Dems, the SNP is run as a ‘rat ship’ under Salmond and Sturgeon, the smart move is to abandon ship and seek safe haven, how many more SNP Cllrs will wise up and jump?

Dear All

In finance just like in politics, it is always smart to get out before the market collapses.

And that is exactly what SNP councillor Fergus Hood in Alex Salmond's own constituency has done, he has defected to the Liberal Democrats after losing confidence with his group.

The defection is significant because it shows how badly things have gotten in the Scottish National Party.

The Scottish National Party is a ‘shell company’ that is run by a nasty vicious clique who use ‘Scottish’ to sell their brand of cronyism.

Despite all of this; Hood’s decision is said to be based on local politics and at present he will still be voting Yes in the independence referendum next year.

In leaving the door open for a possible return he said:

"I admire the work of the Scottish Government and the SNP ministers but locally it's been an issue for a while with internal politics."

However, he did say further:

"The Liberals are an approachable group and have talented folk. I've been working closely with them for a while on local issues. I am still in favour of independence and support the Yes Scotland campaign but won't actively campaign with it."

Yes Scotland is Yes Salmond.

He emailed the SNP council group leader on Friday to break the good news and spoke on the phone with Alex Salmond.

Patently Alex Salmond’s ‘jolly fat man’ routine wasn’t enough to hold him to the sinking ship which is rat based in nature.

Hood in jumping ship said the Lib Dems had proved effective at local campaigns, including efforts to identify funds for the village hall at Newmachar in his ward.

In the SNP my experience is that in Glasgow, despite the talk, the SNP don’t give a shit about working class people, and in 2012, people came to the same view and Labour swept back into power.

Of course they did have considerable help.

SNP Leader Allison Hunter, the feeble and inept Team Sturgeon crony.

Think pathetic and you are on the right track, a simple woman who shows it off at every opportunity.

In a statement announcing the defection, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie MSP said:

"As part of the administration we are working hard to create jobs and boost key local services. I know that councillor Hood will make a big contribution to our work in the months and years to come."

Councillor Martin Kitts-Hayes, Lib Dem group leader in Aberdeenshire, said:

"'I am delighted to welcome councillor Hood to the Scottish Liberal Democrats. Having worked closely with Fergus on the council I know that he is a strong local champion who stands up for people in his ward."

Things in the Scottish National Party must be really bad if people are going to the Lib Dems, nationally they are struggling under Nick Clegg and looking like death warmed up.

Is it a smart move?

Who is to say, but being trapped on the ‘rat ship’ created and run by Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon can’t have been pleasant.

Will more people wise up to the fact that Salmond has led the party to indy defeat?

I can only imagine so, if you want to jump ship, this is a good time, why waste over a year and half campaign for something that is obviously going to fail.

Hood made the smart move, under Salmond and Sturgeon, SNP is run as a one man band and a clique for the rich few at the expense of the many.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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