Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Labour MP Eric Joyce facing breach of peace charge over Edinburgh Airport staff abuse after he is refused permission to board an aircraft to retrieve his mobile phone, he needs to learn to follow the rules and exercise patience

Dear All

You can’t help feeling sorry for Labour MP Eric Joyce, in some respects he had it all, and like some in public life, it all came crashing down around his ears by his own stupidity.

Joyce was someone who could have been a high flyer if he played his cards right.

Despite having expenses issues enough to run a small country, he never reached a tipping point till the trouble with boozing and fighting in the House of Commons.

Now, unfortunately, he is facing charges of breach of the peace following an incident at Edinburgh Airport on Sunday.

Maybe he needs help of some description from someone.

 Joyce was arrested in the domestic arrivals area on Sunday, in front of other passengers and members of staff, more shame and disgrace, when will it end?                                                                                                                        
A Police Scotland official said:

"A 52-year-old man has been reported to the procurator fiscal in connection with an alleged breach of the peace, which happened at Edinburgh Airport on Sunday May 19."

A spokesman for Edinburgh Airport said:

"We can confirm that an incident did occur on Sunday evening and an individual was arrested for being abusive and confrontational towards airport staff and police. Behaviour of this nature is something we have zero tolerance for at Edinburgh Airport and police officers will act accordingly if the safety of our passengers and employees is put at risk."

The trigger for the problem was that Eric Joyce left his mobile phone on a plane and was not allowed to immediately retrieve it.

If he had exercised patience, something could have been done and he would have got his phone back, given he sits in the House of Commons passing law, he should know better.

His career is ending in disgrace, and the longer he acts this way, the less people will think of him.

He had it all and ruined it by his own actions while in public office.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University 

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