Monday, April 29, 2013

In 2012, Labour leader Gordon Matheson ‘politically ass raped’ Team Sturgeon at the ballot box, he outfought, outwitted and outclassed Nicola Sturgeon, George Square design debacle sees SNP mount a ‘get the gay guy’ campaign

Dear All

In 2012, Team Sturgeon was ‘politically ass raped’ by Glasgow Labour Leader Gordon Matheson at the ballot box.

Both cheeks!

Despite entering the race in what must have been the worst possible position that the Labour Party ever experienced, Matheson pulled off a historic win.

In the battle to win Glasgow, Gordon ‘free dinners’ Matheson faced off against the SNP’s Allison Hunter, a Sturgeon crony of unremarkable talent.

At the Sunny Govan Radio hustings and elsewhere, Hunter proved she wasn’t capable of winning the City of Glasgow.

She was and remains a dud!

Someone get that woman a blanket and some hot soup.

Since then, Team Sturgeon has been keen to take out Gordon Matheson for humiliating Nicola Sturgeon.

Dreams of building a Sturgeon power base vanished.

Nicola Sturgeon came to the SECC to hear the result, hoping her cronies would swept to power, the look on her face was different than 12 months previously, she walked in big smiles, she left looking like the angry wee Nat she is.


The George Square redesign was a contest which people could submit their vision for a revamp, the Commonwealth Games are coming up and the Square was looking less than impressive.

Unfortunately, the winning design voted for wasn’t enacted.

Apparently Gordon Matheson 'took the huff' because the one he wanted wasn’t picked; Matheson needs to learn the principle of one man one vote it seems.  

Now; allegations of how the contest was run has plagued the leader of Glasgow City Council with Team Sturgeon jumping on the bandwagon calling for Matheson to resign over the fiasco.

Apparently Team Sturgeon getting shagged up the political arse has had such an effective on their fragile minds that they want to fuck Matheson up the political arse albeit delayed.

Nicola Sturgeon lost the battle of Glasgow in a fair fight, get over it, Labour played a superior hand; strictly speaking they could have played a weak hand and still beaten Sturgeon’s proxy Allison Hunter.

Things have gotten so bad that Matheson is being investigated by police over alleged misconduct during the £100,000 contest to redesign George Square.

The Major Crimes and Public Protection unit is on the job, over claims he interfered with the procurement process for the project.

Gordon ‘free dinners’ Matheson has said he is confident of being cleared of any wrongdoing.

The current proxy for Nicola Sturgeon is Graeme Hendry, the part time leader of the SNP Cllr group; he says Mr Matheson had caused “great embarrassment” to the city.

Presumably he hasn’t watched himself on TV!

Mr Hendry said:

“Councillor Matheson has been accused of some very seriousoffences and it is only right and proper they are investigated by all the appropriate organisations, including the police. It would be appropriate for Matheson to consider his position in the council, due to the great embarrassment he has caused the city and the damage he has done to the council’s relationship with the business community.”

This is from a man who said that he would hold Glasgow City Council to account than less than a couple of weeks later, reneged on that promise.

Hendry added:

“Councillor Matheson’s behaviour during the judging process seems to have been highly inappropriate, and the council need to ensure procedures are in place to prevent this happening in the future, whilst also asking Audit Scotland to fully review theresources wasted.”

Given nothing has been proven, you would think that Hendry would wait until facts are established.

In an act of pure spite, the SNP group has submitted a motion to the next monthly full council in May proposing that Audit Scotland investigate whether any councillors unduly influenced the procurement process.

That motion has no chance of success, it is gesture politics for Nicola Sturgeon, and can a “gesture” really make up for Gordon Matheson doing the entire SNP Team Sturgeon campaign up the political arse?

The SNP motion states that “the debacle has damaged the reputation of this council amongst the architectural community and in wider public perception”.


One thing for certain is the people of Glasgow aren’t hanging on anything that SNP Sturgeon proxy Graeme Hendry says on anything.

In a statement issued by the council on his behalf, Mr Matheson said:

“I’m happy for this to be fully investigated. I will give whatever help the police ask me to and am confident there will ultimately be a finding in my favour.”

In other words, it seems that there is no paper trail of wrongdoing.

Gordon Matheson needs his rest, in 2017, he and the Labour Party will politically ass rape Team Sturgeon again, last time, he ‘took them in the rear’, this time, he might also ‘reach around and take them from the front’.

Team Sturgeon need to start grabbing hold of their political ankles now, clearly Glasgow Labour have defined who and who is not a political bitch in this city!

Attacking the gay guy, doesn’t still well with Glaswegians, Nicola Sturgeon should think on that next time she lets her attack dogs off the leash.

And we all see through the 'standing up for Glasgow' lie that she and Team Sturgeon promotes, they don't and the public know it now.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. He caused embarrassment?
    And the SNP have called in the Major Crimes Unit? Ho Hum. Poor wee wummin is getting above herself.

  2. George, you seemed to be moving on from your obsessiob with anal sex.
    In this article, it is back with a vengeance. It doesn't add anything to your argument or credibility.
    In general, the crudity of your language about sex betrays a person who has never been in love with anyone, apart from yourself. Or perhaps has had one significant relationship which ended acrimoniously, leaving you bitter and twisted. Most people can empathise with that, but don't take it out on the rest of the world.

  3. Dear Hamish

    “George, you seemed to be moving on from your obsession with anal sex”.

    I am surprised at you, playing “doctor”, ‘maybe I should just write terribly nice things all the time’.

    I have adapted that line from Quantum of Solace, the airport scene in Austria.

    Of course when a person writes, it can convey an image, however, you shouldn’t try and use your personal belief system to analyse me.

    You aren’t a doctor, you do computing.

    At Glasgow University, I knew medics by the truckload, and Hamish, they swore like troopers.

    And of course, I spent two years at the Glasgow University penal colony Alcatraz, my name for the Vet School.

    It was the end of the world, and felt like it, especially on a Friday!

    Although the Vet student division in the main where a good sort, the place didn’t appeal to me, however, the cat and dog bit had a certain something when you had a spare biscuit to feed them.

    “In this article, it is back with a vengeance. It doesn't add anything to your argument or credibility”.

    Your opinion and not mine!

    “In general, the crudity of your language about sex betrays a person who has never been in love with anyone, apart from yourself”.

    Sadly, way off the mark!

    “Or perhaps has had one significant relationship which ended acrimoniously, leaving you bitter and twisted. Most people can empathise with that, but don't take it out on the rest of the world”.

    Have you ever considered having a stage show, Hamish?

    Clearly you want to be a mystic of sort; do you know someone called John? John says that everything is doing to be alright!

    I have heard Nicola Sturgeon swearing personally.

    Does that mean?

    1/ “In general, the crudity of your language about sex betrays a person who has never been in love with anyone, apart from yourself”.

    2/ “Or perhaps has had one significant relationship which ended acrimoniously, leaving you bitter and twisted. Most people can empathise with that, but don't take it out on the rest of the world”.

    Hamish, you don’t know nothing about me, and in future please deal in facts not assumptions.

    If anyone is upset here, it’s clearly you, why are you upset when I write that Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon are going to be taking up the ‘political arse’ in 2014?

    You still delusional that these two people are the new messiahs!

    Hamish, I told you that the Scottish independence campaign is dead, it’s dead, new poll 62% against.

    You bought into something that doesn’t exist, then you come on here and you don’t like the manner it is spelled out.

    Sherlock Holmes you are not, the Basil Rathbone version naturally.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  4. Dear Hamish

    Try Twitter and type in 'ass raped'.

    Tons of people use it as an expression.

    Does that mean?

    1/ “In general, the crudity of your language about sex betrays a person who has never been in love with anyone, apart from yourself”.

    2/ “Or perhaps has had one significant relationship which ended acrimoniously, leaving you bitter and twisted. Most people can empathise with that, but don't take it out on the rest of the world”.

    3/ Or just a play on words?

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
