Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Scottish independence: David Cameron attacks Alex Salmond over defence 'betrayal' claim, the real question to ask is, how many times has Alex Salmond visited Scottish Regiments on active service in operational areas?

Dear All

Defence is a hot topic of the Scottish independence debate.

The SNP plan to defend Scotland Scotland could be written on the back of a fag packet.

I think the plan is in the event of an attack, to scream the word ‘bastards’, run up and kick invaders in the balls, have an intelligence network set up using fastfood outlets as gatherers of information and of course, have a website like the Norwegian Navy.

Prime Minister David Cameron is demanding that the SNP spell out its military alternative under independence.

See above, the plan is rough but could also involve allowing specially trained femme fatales to give invaders a heavy dose of VD, thereby making them combat ineffective.

Defence numbers in Scotland are set to rise slightly due to a defence review, the British Army is shrinking, Scotland will get an extra 600 troops, not the thousands promised, but all over the UK, the cuts are everywhere.

The Conservative leader has launched an attack on First Minister Alex Salmond because of the rhetoric from him that the UK Government had broken its commitment to the people of Scotland.

How many times has Alex Salmond visited Scottish Regiments on active service in operational areas?

Or indeed when have any of the SNP Cabinet Ministers?

I hear a lot of talk about standing up for Scottish Soldiers by the SNP, but it appears that deeds don’t match words.

A recent poll of Scots serving in the armed forces says that effectively no one wants to be a United States of Salmond Soldier.

Also in the independence referendum, Scottish Soldiers serving abroad are denied a vote on their country’s future. A 16 year old child can vote, but not a man or woman serving their country. 

Downing Street has homed in on the fact that when it comes to defence, the SNP is all over the place, who can forget Anne McLaughlin when asked about aircraft carriers stated that she didn’t know much about them.

It’s a ship with a runway on top for planes and helicopters.

Does anyone have an idea how to defend Scotland in the SNP?

Apparently the best we can get is a cut and paste of UK defence plans lifted straight out and dubbed ‘Scottish’ and a few references in passing about how the Norwegian Navy website is very good and a whinge about troop numbers.

Not because they are interested in the troops but the impact on the local economy.

A Downing Street spokesman said:

"We have yet to see credible projections, including any put forward by the Scottish Government, which would maintain a military presence in an independent Scotland on the same scale as the plans we have set out. People in Scotland deserve to know what military capabilities they would plan for an independent Scotland and how these could be afforded on the proposed budget of around 7% of what the UK spends on defence and security."

Salmond's spokesman added:

“We are committed to a defence budget for an independent Scotland which is around £500 million more than is currently spent on defence here by the UK Government”.

Yet again, Scots are presented a picture that in an independent Scotland, it will be ‘milk and honey’; the Swinney Report of cuts, job losses and severe austerity is the reality.

There is no plan, no joined up thinking, the people of Scotland are being treated with utter contempt by Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon, they can’t even fool themselves any more, never mind the public.

How many times has Alex Salmond visited Scottish Regiments on active service in operational areas?

Tells you everything you need to know about Alex Salmond.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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