Thursday, February 21, 2013

Scottish independence: Cybernats show their true colours as they resort to the same tactics used by the Nazis in the 1930’s Germany, smears, lies and poison is their stock in trade, their poison drips right through the independence campaign of Alex Salmond

Dear Anon

I told you to take your filth elsewhere did I not?

“So my initial reaction to you was correct you are a fucking fruitcake”.

Sadly, you appear not to value the opinions of other people, that’s something also common among the Nazis in 1930’s Germany.

“I was obviously right about you wanking of to gay porn also, you have been seen cruising Kelvin Grove Park and wanking in the bushes”.

I find you offensive in the extreme, but this is what I expect from independence supporters such as yourself on the lunatic fringe of the debate.

“I have contacts in the area”.

Do they stand in bushes?

“you are a sad joke man, and you do smell badly, people I know in the BBC confirmed that as they had complaints from the audience about your stinky clothes and oxter guff, when you were in for that programme where you waffled crazy man stuff”.

Adopt NATO?

I am sorry to disappoint you but all my clothing wore that night was brand new.

“No wonder the SNP has given you a body swerve. You should try some soap and water it could change your life”.

Let’s get the facts straight; I walked away from the SNP as an activist first, anyway did soap and water change your life?

“I took the time to Google you, fruitcake is being kind to you apparently, you are a five star fuckwit”.

Funny, to return to the BBC, for a moment, when I said that the SNP should adopt NATO, Nicola Sturgeon can be seen nodding her head, and later the SNP changed to my view.

If I am a five star fuckwit, what does that make Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon for following my ideas?

They did so, on my idea for a Scottish National Police Force.

They did so, on my idea for a Scottish National Fire Service.

The SNP adopted my ideas on social media.

Yes Scotland is currently using my idea for street stalls which I brought up at SNP GRA meeting.

“I took the time to Google you, fruitcake is being kind to you apparently, you are a five star fuckwit”.

If I am that, then what must be your opinion of the SNP and Yes Scotland who are using my ideas?

Go away, you’re a vile little sad person, nothing more need be said, you don’t even have the courage to give your real name, a coward, you think you are the future of Scotland?

Do you want to help the campaign for Scottish independence?

Then don’t turn up, step back and do us all a favour, and stay in and watch Sky TV.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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