Thursday, February 28, 2013

Scottish Independence: Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon fail miserably to make a solid case for defence in an indy Scotland, anyone got a white flag, already Salmond and Sturgeon have their supporters practising putting their hands up, surrender monkeys!

Dear All


And a tune for the new United States of Salmond Marine Corp.

‘From the Halls of Morayshire,
To the Shores of Penilee
We will fight our country's battles In the air,
on land and sea;
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title of United States of Salmond Marine’.

When the Scottish National Party decided wrongly in my opinion to try and win independence in 2014, I thought, has the work been done?

And as we all know now, no work has been done on anything, and that stretches back some 80 years of nationalism.

The defence of Scotland is a key battleground of the independence campaign.

In my policy areas Alex Salmond and the SNP Government weak and increasingly unworthy of trust, a recent poll of Scottish Servicemen and women showed that despite Alex Salmond playing the role of a ‘jolly fat man’, the majority don’t want to join the United States of Salmond army.

In the SNP there is a hardcore that doesn’t support the soldiers of the British Army, doesn’t support NATO and doesn’t support keeping Faslane as a nuclear submarine base. Some objections are based on the fact some of these characters are CND supporters.

Others in the SNP are republicans of what I dub the ‘Sinn Fein lite’ variety, such as the despicable vile bigot Tommy Ball who has pop up to abuse me again on twitter again from the republic of Ireland, they just hate the British Army for involvement in Northern Ireland.

Here is a link on this hatemonger Tommy Ball:

I outed him on twitter and made sure the press knew what he was up to as he spread his vile hatred of the British Army.

I make no apologies for outing this bigot and he later resigned from the SNP, when the lead was flying, the shitbag ran away on the virtual battlefield, hardly the heart of a lion.

What a turd.

Anyway, things are looking bad on the defence front for the SNP just as the EU debacle is a running sore.

An independent Scotland's armed forces would have to start from scratch in terms of personnel and equipment; this is the opinion of one of the UK's leading military analysts.

Professor Michael Clarke, director general of the Royal United Services Institute think-tank, this crowd is a pretty well known think tank which the UK Government and others listen to.

The SNP say Scotland could defend itself for between £2 billion and £3bn a year.

However, the figure isn’t based on any work done by them, they weren’t clever enough to produce their own material, which highlights another point I keep making about a genuine lack of talent in the Scottish National Party.

The Unites States of Salmond military will not be a super power or a key world player like Britain or the USA, and no seat at the top table either such as UN Security Council.

Clarke warns a Scottish military would have to rely on basic technology, defence on the cheap, no foreign adventures would be possible such as humanitarian missions.

We would have the cheapo stuff such as the Hawk trainer becoming the mainstay of the air force and the navy relying on second-hand Type 23 frigates.

Clarke also says what most already know, most existing service personnel would want to remain with the UK's forces.

Better job prospects, security and training opportunities, all the bolt on benefits of UK Forces will not be available to Scots such as learning a trade.

On the Scottish Navy or Salmond’s yacht fleet, Clarke suggested a Scots navy would consist of about 2000 personnel and 20 vessels.

No aircraft carriers or submarines!

Minesweepers, coastal patrol vessels and three or four Type 23 frigates, old hardware that the Royal Navy will replace from 2021!

The cost is said to run at £650 million per year.

Scottish airforce costing £370m to £400m per year, numbers are estimated at around 2000 personnel and about 60 aircraft.

The bulk of aircraft would be helicopters.

In the event of an attack would probably be used to evacuate Salmond and Sturgeon to London in the event of invasion where they could lead ‘the resistance’ from the their London Embassy. Presumably Salmond would designate someone in the SNP to formally hand over the government while at the same time work with key stakeholders to ensure an orderly transition.

On the ground, a brigade of 8000 troops plus a larger territorial brigade of 12,000, you get more people attending a Rangers Football Game, perhaps someone could make sure if anyone attacks they do it on a match day so guns could be passed out as people are ‘enlisted’ after the match and sent off to the front.

Thus allowing Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon and key players the time to get to England!

And Scotland would still have to rely on the rest of Britain as Clarke says Scotland would have to buy in services such as training and repair and maintenance of equipment.

On the big toys, Clarke completely rules out advanced equipment such as the Type 26 frigate which is due to replace the Type 23.

Not on the goodies list is also, the Typhoon fighter-bomber plane and the Joint Strike Fighter, planned for the UK's new aircraft carriers.

He said:

"Scotland would have to accept top of the range boys' toys would be out of the question."

Presumably, a key part of the Scottish defence training would be screaming ‘bastard’ and kicking people in the balls to save bullets!

He added:

"The prevailing view is if Scotland wanted to recruit forces of around 20,000 it would have to start from scratch. But there is no reason they could not be extraordinarily good by 2030."

Maybe they could take in laundry as well.

Clarke’s vision differs substantially from the SNP's defence policy.

The SNP promised a budget of £2.5bn to support a "multi-role brigade" of 15,000 regular service personnel and 5000 reservists.

Others claims which are subjective opinion; is that Scotland would inherit existing Scottish-raised regiments and have Special Forces and Royal Marines.

I don’t think that Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon made the case for defence, but them seeing them for what they are, they probably couldn’t make the argument for a bad case of hemorrhoids.

Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon… war leaders….. please, get a white flag, they would fully co-operate with any invading force because it would be ‘the right thing to do’!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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