Monday, February 4, 2013

Lib Dem MP Chris Huhne faces jail term after admitting perverting course of justice, prison looks likely as Judge drops a heavy hint to Huhne, ex wife Vicky Price gets her revenge, Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned!

Dear All

It is always a shock when someone in public life, especially with such a high profile as Chris Huhne of the Lib Dems transgresses the law of the land.

Former energy secretary Chris Huhne is possibly facing a prison sentence after pleading guilty to perverting the course of justice.

The matter arose after his ex-wife took speeding points for him a decade ago.

Although Huhne previously denied the charge to the hilt, he dramatically changed his plea before the start of the trial at London's Southwark Crown Court.

Southwark Crown Court has a track record of putting MPs in prison.

Perverting the course of justice is a very serious charge, if he escapes prison that will be a miracle.

His political career is now dead.  

Huhne denied the charge in court last week but, when asked again today, clearly said "Guilty".

By pleading guilty he will get a reduction in sentence.

His ex wife, Vicky Pryce previously has pleaded not guilty to a charge of perverting the course of justice on the grounds of marital coercion.

And possibly could get set free.

So, it looks like there may be a by-election 8in the offing if the Liberal Democrat MP for Eastleigh steps down, and given the Lib Dems disastrous polling, a loss as well.

The events which led to the charges date back to March 2003 when Huhne's car was allegedly caught by a speed camera on the motorway between Stansted Airport in Essex and London.

The allegations emerged in 2011 after Huhne's 26-year marriage to Pryce ended when he admitted an affair with PR adviser Carina Trimingham, who was in the public gallery in court today.

Mr Justice Sweeney told him:

"I will deal with your sentence on a date to be notified. It is essential that you attend, obviously, on that date. As Mr Kelsey-Fry (Huhne's barrister) has foreshadowed, you should have no illusions whatsoever as to the sort of sentence that you are likely to receive."

It seems that Mr Justice Sweeney is dropping a heavy hint for Chris Huhne to get his affairs in order as he sets off to a prison cell, time will tell, but I would say, he’s had it.

Chris Huhne and his ex-wife had a pretty bad separation which obvious caused his wife a lot of pain and embarrassment.

Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned.

Yet again, another case of someone who had it all, and pissed it up against the wall because he wouldn’t play it straight, Huhne was a high flyer, a good speaker and a talent but he has been flamed now!

Was the price worth paying?

Looking at the outcome, certainly not, but it is a loss to the body politic of Britain.

Sad end to his career in public office.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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