Tuesday, January 15, 2013

As Unionists press forward to start their Westminster Campaigns, Nicola Sturgeon struggles and calls in the Police as protestors cry ‘hypocrite’ at her surgery for siding with big business over ordinary people.

Dear All

One of my fav lines from movie is why Sylvester Stallone is asked if he needs any help to which he replies offhand:

“No, guys; ain't no pie eating contest”.

Falling on from the independence campaign effectively ‘falling down a mineshaft’, you might be tempted to think that the Pro Uk Crowd are inclined to take their foot off the gas.

It’s a 20 point lead, Salmond is endlessly struggling and poll after poll shows the public are in no mood to listen to fairytales!

Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon put in to ‘save’ the campaign hasn’t worked out.

Did I say it was a mistake to put her into this key role?

George Laird right again.

Pro-union politicians as I have predicted are refusing to be complacent following a poll which showed support for independence had stalled; they are pushing through to start their Westminster prep now!

George Laird right again and ahead of time.

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said it was a message the people of Scotland did not believe in independence.

I would say some people might conclude that the people of Scotland don’t believe in Nicola Sturgeon as the face of independence.

Recently Ms. Sturgeon had visitors to her surgery; actually they are called protestors who turned up to brand Ms. Sturgeon a ‘hypocrite’.

It seems they were angry that the SNP Government has decided to side with big business as the expense of the most vulnerable in society.

What is most embarrassing is that previously Ms. Sturgeon outlined her credentials as a Nationalist whose beliefs are based on equality and social justice, which to later ‘Scottish values’ were added regarding fairness.

Then people turned up to call her a hypocrite!

Anyway back to Ms. Davidson, recently recovered from a bug, she said:

"Numerous polls have consistently shown the vast majority of people of this country do not believe in separation. That is because they recognise being part of the world's most successful social and economic union is in their and Scotland's best interests”.

Davidson added:

"We won't be getting complacent. A number of people have yet to make up their mind and we will continue to advocate the positive arguments for staying within the UK in order to convince them."

Scottish Labour's Patricia Ferguson said:

"This confirms the people of Scotland are not responding to Alex Salmond's 'muddle and confusion' tactics."

Pro-union Better Together said:

"We welcome the findings and the fact support for separatism is falling. However, we are all too aware the only poll that matters is in two years time."

For many independence supporters, they must be wondering how things could get so bad, so wrong and so quickly.

I will save you time, the Scottish National Party is run as a middle class clique who are rapidly losing internal support as ably demonstrated by Andrew Walker, Secretary of the Uist and Barra Branch of the Scottish National Party.

He has resigned and cancelled his membership of the SNP.

Time for a quote from Winston Churchill:

"I had hoped we were hurling a wildcat onto the shore, but all we got was a beached whale”!

More pudding anyone!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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