Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Scottish Independence: outfought, outclassed and outwitted by Westminster, only 13 people turn up witness ‘historic’ event, Salmond and Sturgeon 'victory'!

Dear All

Did you notice that yesterday was a ‘historic’ day in Scotland?

If you didn’t it was the day that David Cameron and Alex Salmond signed the referendum deal.

A deal effectively done behind closed doors, as to those people who replied to the Scottish Government consultation, they were just ignored, their opinions don’t matter and never did, Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon showed a startling contempt for the public and organisations that were egged on to campaign for devo max.

So a deal was made, ‘a deal in the political desert’ as far as the SNP Government were concerned. Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon put on a brave face as they were outfought, outclassed and outwitted by the Westminster Government.

At the Scottish Government HQ the press turned up in their droves with enough satellite trucks to cover a small war.

13 members of the Scottish public turn up, this was the high point of the numbers as Gordon Brewer observed, the Police were told to expect large numbers but no one turned up, not even Alex Salmond’s paid Nats.

Later at the press conference, Alex Salmond said his advisors said he shouldn't sound ‘too triumphant’.

What exactly did he win?

We already knew that there would be a referendum!

What he lost was more to the point, he lost devo max, now all his eggs are in one basket, its all or nothing, and not only doesn’t he have momentum, he doesn’t carry the Scottish people or even his own activists such as myself who have stepped back.

Yesterday wasn’t a win for Salmond, it was the countdown to the day of defeat, Salmond and Sturgeon both said that they would win the independence vote, polls show otherwise.

When a member of the Salmond middle class clique now at Yes Scotland, former MSP Anne Somerville was asked why so few people turned up she cited security, Gordon Brewer immediately mocked her by saying people could walk straight up to the barrier.

Rear sight, fore sight, target, breathe steady and squeeze, and with that Ms. Somerville politically shot herself in the foot.

Presumably she used a .22 ..... silenced!

I assume she wasn’t counted by Gordon Brewer as one of the 13!

13, an unlucky omen for some, especially Salmond and Sturgeon!

In Catalonia, 1.5 million people march for independence, yesterday saw 13 people turn up to what was supposed to be a ‘historic’ day, Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon’s brand of non inclusive nationalism will see many people turn their back on them.

So, it Salmond, Sturgeon, their nasty vicious poisonous middle class clique plus some others on the ‘grassy knoll’!

As to the negotiations which Nicola Sturgeon conducted, she was outwitted by a Lib Dem called Michael Moore who generously tossed her a political ‘bone’ by allowing 16 and 17 year olds to vote.

I don’t think I would employ Ms. Sturgeon as my lawyer if this is the best she can do, it was Westminster dictating terms all the way.

Alex Salmond is looking less cocky, maybe he is noticing that people are looking closer at his government as it becomes increasingly out of touch.

The SNP Government is said to want to strip £90 million out of the NHS health budget, money which many think will be funnelled to capital projects over the next two years via Nicola Sturgeon’s department.

You can’t buy independence and this is the wrong strategy to adopt.

And in 2014 when the dust settles, Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon will still able to afford sirloin steak, finest champagne and caviar.

But ‘freedom fries’ will be off the menu, Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon will be served their ‘chips’ by the Scottish public.

If you didn’t catch the Newsnight Scotland interview last night, then I advise you to do so to watch the calibre of SNP Minister Derek Mackay who sounds like a dullard and had to be reminded to answer the question put to him.

As I said, below Salmond and Sturgeon which the exception of Swinney and a few others, there is a genuine lack of talent in the Scottish National Party!

If Alex Salmond thought yesterday was a victory, he certainly sets the bar pretty low, he might have been laughing but the public will be wiping that smug look of his face in 2014.

Finally, I will be away for awhile and thanks to press, BBC etc for stopping by as well as the regular readership!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. George, can you explain the 'nonsense' at the NAT conference?

  2. Dear George Laird,
    Class prejudice is as wrong as any other prejudice. I suppose I am second-generation middle-class. My father's father was a plumber, my mother's father was a crofter.
    They were both teachers.
    I am probably more radical in my political views than you are, so I resent you looking down on me because you are working class and I am middle class.
