Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Alex Salmond plans Scottish cabinet reshuffle: is Kenny MacAskill, the man who released biggest mass murderer in Scots legal history keeping his job?

Dear All

David Cameron has just had a reshuffle down in Westminster so Alex Salmond has decided to do one as well.

At present the Scottish cabinet reshuffle rumours are flying with Nicola Sturgeon being flagged up to be leaving health role.

Health was the SNP flagship policy until recently then blowback started happening on her watch.

1,000 job losses and more in the pipeline, presumably she doesn’t want to stick around for that.

As Alex Salmond runs a clique, it’s hard to know who will be the ‘caretaker’ because that’s what the new person will be.

Michael Matheson MSP seems the obvious choice, although not exactly dynamic as a media personality but he is Minister for Public Health.

In Justice, Kenny MacAskill and Roseanna Cunningham have to go, replaced by Alex Neil and someone else, they have done enough damage.

Richard Lochhead at Rural Affairs and the Environment on the basis who gives a shit about that post in government!

John Swinney MSP should remain as Finance Sec; he is the only one who looks credible.

Derek Mackay MSP sacked but probably won’t be since he is seen as rising star!

Mike Russell MSP, no point in moving him, this post is a poison chalice.

The reshuffle should have happened years ago but as Salmond runs a clique it wasn’t, is this to reflect the new reality of independence support plunging through the floor?

The smart move is to replace MacAskill, and the next person to occupy Justice would be better to have post notes stuck everywhere in their office saying:

‘my job is to ensure impartial justice not suck up the arse of the Crown Office’.

This reshuffle is musical chairs; the same people will be getting ministerial salaries; that’s the encompassing approach Alex’s has to his pals.

Presumably the freeing up of Nicola Sturgeon is to chase the independence dream; I don’t think she has the personality to carry the ‘man of the people’ act.

If I was to speak to Salmond I would use the quote from the movie Hard Times;

‘You see it doesn’t matter what you do, you’re always doing to smell like fish’!

Update seems Alex Neil is going to health.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Surely your headline should read "The man who released the victim of the biggest miscarrage in Scottish legal history"?
