Monday, August 20, 2012

What a carry on, ‘King’ Julian Assange taunts UK authorities from Ecuadorian Embassy balcony, it costs us £50k a day and dozens of police officers!

Dear All

Years ago I used to watch Carry On movies; they were an institution of the great tradition of slapstick comedy filmed at Pinewood Studios.

We know have ‘Carry on Assange’ running in the trendy West end in London starring Julian Assange as ‘the prisoner’.

British authorities want to arrest Julian Assange, he says no, and took refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy.

The embassy being foreign soil means the Police cannot enter without the express permission of the Ambassador.

Assange entered the embassy and claimed asylum and he has been given it, propelled by the threat to enter and seize him.

It looks bad, plays bad and makes the British authorities look incompetent, the sensible thing to do is defuse the situation and back off. At present there is a heavy police presence and demonstrators outside getting nowhere fast.

If Assange steps out he can be arrested, but until he does, he is safe, Britain has said they will not allow him safe passage, after all, you don’t want to upset the Americans.

Especially if you want goodies on the lecture circuit post government.

So, like a King, WikiLeaks fugitive Julian Assange has emerged from hiding at the Ecuadorian Embassy to mock Britain’s threats to arrest him yesterday standing on the balcony waving and getting cheered.

In the tradition of sticking two fingers up to authority and ringed by police ready to apprehend him if he set foot on the pavement, the 41-year-old condemned his accusers and praised ‘courageous’ Ecuador for giving him asylum.

Well you would won’t you, and of course the Ecuadorians love this and it gets them free publicity into the bargain.

Julian Assange says he had taken a 'stand for justice' and praised the 'courageous South American nation' of Ecuador, which has granted him political asylum.

Assange is wanted in Sweden on rape and sex assault charges.

Personally, I think he should face his accusers in a court of law, however, the stumbling block appears to be the Americans; they want him badly for a prison cell for life.

Dozens of officers have surrounded the building for days to ensure he is not smuggled out, costing taxpayers £50,000 a day.

£50,000 a day wasted, if he stays a year, it would cost us £1,850,000.

This one type of carry on which is destine for a long run!

The Americans are thwarting justice; they should agree that Assange gets safe passage to Sweden and back to Britain.

If he gets tried and convicted he is finished, if he doesn’t there is always another day.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I would like to know your thoughts on the sequel - "Carry on GG", if you have the time and the inclination.

  2. If you have the time and the inclination, I would love to read your take on the sequel "Carry on George".

  3. What is your take on the sequel, "Carry on George" ?
