Monday, August 13, 2012

Angry lying nationalist bigot Tommy Ball gets the virtual crayons out to smear SNP member George Laird, let’s all laugh at the inadequate bigot!

Dear All

Tommy Ball is a lying Nationalist Bigot who was outed in the press.

He is the type of idiot who thinks he is clever, sadly the evidence proves otherwise, on his shitty blog, he calls me a racist and thinks he can get away with it!

Rather than let the lying bigot get away with it, I decided to do what is called in law ‘retort’ and produced some videos.

The theme of the videos is that he is a complete and utter dobber.

Apparently this has upset the bigot greatly, and he took to twitter to seek help, and also said he went to the Police.

B Baw B Baw B Baw B Baw B Baw!

Also he contacted me to tell me he had reported me to the SNP.

At this point, snigger snigger snigger and of course more snigger!

Patently as a bigot it has escaped his attention that my legal rights allow me to publicly challenge his lies.

The cartoon above is an example of how shit he actually is at smearing, he has taken a cartoon picture and effectively ‘got out his virtual crayons.’

This is his revenge and response to my videos which he calls “risible and amateurish”; and this clown draws on a cartoon.

George Laird right again, he is a complete and utter dobber.

Hardly Steven Spielberg stuff, not even South Park quality, it highlights what I have been saying for sometime regarding a genuine lack of talent in the SNP.

Ball left the SNP when outed, no great loss because as I say he is a complete and utter dobber.

So, look at the cartoon and reflect on how pathetic his attempt is, I just laughed and so did my friends; one person said Ball was ‘one of life’s clowns’.

Above this post, I have taken his cartoon and made a quick Jedi movie, yet again showing that when it comes to talent, Tommy Ball doesn’t have any and I have it in spades.

However Tommy Ball succeeded in one thing, uniting decent Labour, Tory, Lib Dems and SNP members that he was scum and pond life.

In one video I said that Ball is too stupid to learn, the facts bare me out.

Virtual crayons, what a dick!

Now, get the popcorn out for the Jedi movie clip using the same cartoon later this afternoon.

Clearly the force is with me!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Right at Glasgow University

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