Thursday, June 28, 2012

Scottish independence: Alex Salmond says “nations are better when they govern themselves”, why can he not answer basic questions then as FM?

Dear All

Do you know what the problem in saying a soundbyte, it sounds good at the time.

And afterwards then there is the danger of someone coming along and asking questions to any claim being made.

Braveheart Alex Salmond said yesterday the SNP’s fundamental argument for independence was not an economic one.

Speaking at the TEDGlobal2012 conference, the First Minister said that although there was a strong economic case for independence, splitting from the rest of the UK was about Scots governing themselves.

He said:

“I came into politics as an economist, therefore I tend to put primacy on the economic arguments.”


“The argument for independence is not fundamentally an economic one. The argument for independence is Scotland as a nation, and nations are better when they govern themselves and nobody is going to take better decisions about Scotland than the people who live in Scotland. But the economic case is very strong and powerful.”

America is governed by Americans and their economy wrecked.

Greece is governed by Greeks and their economy is wrecked.

Spain is governed by the Spanish and their economy is wrecked.

Italy is governed by Italians and their economy is wrecked.

So, the argument that just because someone lives in a place they are best able to run that place is subjective.

Should Scotland be an independent country?

Yes, it should.

But the real questions need to be addressed and one of those questions is the talent in the Scottish National Party behind Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon good enough?

Alex Salmond will probably see a defeat on the independence vote; there are many reasons for this.

Chiefly, the main points are, the work to prepare Scotland to be an independent country hasn’t been done, there is no credible blueprint for a new Scotland, and the SNP cannot answer fundamental questions on the big issues which concern ordinary working class folk.

The SNP can’t even agree on having Scotland in NATO thereby defending properly our country because of their outdated 30 year old policy.

30 years of getting it wrong on defence.

An anti NATO vote is seen by many working class people as anti Scottish soldiers vote and a failure to properly pledge to protect their lives.

And a recent unofficial poll suggested that the majority of Scots serving in the British Armed Forces don’t want to be part of Salmond’s Army.

Another aspect of the lack of thought and planning on defence, is intelligence, in their haste to affirm being anti NATO, how do they expect to get military and civil intelligence when not plugged into the Western defence intelligence grid?

The SNP have to sign up for NATO.

To other matters!

Alex Salmond:

“nations are better when they govern themselves and nobody is going to take better decisions about Scotland than the people who live in Scotland.”

Does that mean he has a plausible explanation why for last 80 years his party hasn’t put forward a real evolving blueprint for Scotland and done the work to a standard that would inspire public confidence?

Alex Salmond:

“nations are better when they govern themselves and nobody is going to take better decisions about Scotland than the people who live in Scotland.”

Can he explain why the SNP Government never contacted the EU about the status of Scotland’s membership?

Can he explain why the SNP never contacted the EU about the status of Scotland’s membership while as an opposition?

Can he explain what will happen when Scotland is told by the EU there is no contract between the European Union and the Scottish Government regarding membership?

Can he explain in the event of a Yes vote if EU law will still apply since there is no formal EU membership agreement?

Can he explain if Scotland isn’t a member and therefore applies how Scotland can stay out of the Euro as a new member?

Can he explain how much will be lost in EU Grants between Scotland leaving the UK and attaining EU legal status as a member and how long that will take to fix?

Can he explain what will happen to Scotland’s credit rating if the Bank of England refuses to be the lender of last resort?

Can he explain why the Scottish Government hasn’t planned for a Scottish pound?

Alex Salmond further added:

“Polls have shown that people want more powers than we have at the moment, but are not yet convinced of the case for independence.”

The independence vote is already lost in my opinion, the reason why is a genuine lack of talent in Scottish National Party, we can expect to hear more from ‘civic’ Scotland for the second question on ‘devo max’.

This is the parachute that the SNP will be backing to show their members after all their efforts they got something.

And also it will be presented as a ‘win’ for the Holyrood 2016 election.

At that election, I expect some SNP MSPs will not be coming back, depending on how things run, we shall see if Alex Salmond stays after that election.

With other factors on the horizon such as austerity right across the board, he may decide to jump and back Nicola Sturgeon as the leader, post election, depending on the outcome, at present, the polls suggest the SNP would still be the biggest party.

But polls change and the Labour Party's star is on the rise again and also the Scottish Lib Dems need to find a narrative to rebuild public trust to regain seats.

Awhile ago I said before the Glasgow Council Election that the SNP would lose, they did so in dramatic fashion.

George Laird was right again.

My next predication was that the SNP would lose the independence referendum, I will be right again and ahead of the curve on that issue.

There isn’t the talent in the Scottish National Party to deliver independence within ‘the middle class clique’ of Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon.

Then will come the British General Election, in probably 2015, disaster, no real change of fortune.

And all this because the SNP didn't plan far enough ahead to be seen as credible, 2014, already lost in my opinion.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. It is not for the SNP to answer those questions they are decided by the government elected after independence in conjunction with people or do you wish a dictatorship.

    The question is Independence Yes or No after that it is up to us, the people to define what we wish not what any political party wishes to suit their entrenched views.

    Do you get a blueprint after every election now, no so don't confuse a referendum on a specific subject with party politics as the two don't mix.

  2. "America is governed by Americans and their economy wrecked.
    Greece is governed by Greeks and their economy is wrecked.
    Spain is governed by the Spanish and their economy is wrecked.
    Italy is governed by Italians and their economy is wrecked."

    America is governed by an elite whose focus is Capitalism for their own ends. Greece, Spain and Italy went into a centralised monetary union, their best option is to come out of it and get back to governing themselves. as long as you have a government that has full control of it's own finances, monetary and taxation systems and is focussed on the good of their own country as a whole then they have a better chance than otherwise.
