Wednesday, June 20, 2012

George Laird blog continues to attract thousands of readers each month as the quality and quantity rises, I set the agenda people want to hear!

Dear All

Here are some of the organisations which have dropped in recently to read the George Laird view complete with IP Addresses.

London Borough Of Greenwich (

Bradfield College (

Glasgow City Council (

British Broadcasting Corporation (

University Of Bath (

Mcgrigors ( London

General Medical Council (

Newsquest Media Group Ltd (

University Of Glasgow (

Middleton Technology School (

Runshaw College (

Tdc Kabel Tv ( Denmark

Renfrewshire Council (

British Broadcasting Corporation (

National Health Service (

Zon Tv Cabo ( Portugal

Lockheed Martin Corporation ( United States

Commission Europeenne (

Royal Bank Of Scotland ( London

Trinity Mirror Group (

Houses Of Parliament ( London

College Of North East London (

Houses Of Parliament ( London

Loughborough University (

West Lothian Council (

Barclays Capital ( London

Aberdeenshire Council (

Greater London Authority (

Glasgow Caledonian University (

University Of Manchester (

The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University is read by many serious people and organisations.

My views are actively sought out, unlike some others in the independence movement who have nothing to say and nothing to contribute.

This is an important blog read by thousands of people each month and isn't 'largely ignored' as claimed recently by cybernats.

This blog sets the real agenda that others are forced to follow.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. you must be bug a lot of people

  2. Stop making stuff up Georgie Porgie your breath stinks, your feet are septic and your lies and propaganda gets more extreme by the day. By the way you have BO also. Your just not nice. Have you ever tried to loose weight? I can rid you of pounds of useless flesh instantly by cutting your fat head of.

  3. Dear All

    We have all heard about nationalist cybernat bullying.

    Here is an example sent to my blog by a discontented malcontent with a big chip on their shoulder.

    “Stop making stuff up Georgie Porgie your breath stinks, your feet are septic and your lies and propaganda gets more extreme by the day. By the way you have BO also. Your just not nice. Have you ever tried to loose weight? I can rid you of pounds of useless flesh instantly by cutting your fat head of”.

    The first thing which everyone will notice is the incredibly poor use of the English language as the cybernat can’t spell properly.

    Then there is the grammar.

    And of course the lies; The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University is a popular blog attracting thousands of people each month.

    Not only have I published the organisations that visit; I also put up their IP addresses so people can independently verify them.

    Next the standard cybernat personal attack badly written:

    “Your just not nice”.

    That should read, ‘You’re just not nice’.

    “Have you ever tried to loose weight?”

    This should read, ‘Have you ever tried to lose weight?’

    “I can rid you of pounds of useless flesh instantly by cutting your fat head of”.

    Leaving aside the inability to spell the word ‘off’ properly, the cybernat also suffers from a poor grasp of medical knowledge.

    Some people are born to be pathetic but some aspire to be, but really everyone should learn to at least spell and write properly.

    What an 'oddball'.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
