Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Poster takes George Laird to task, isn’t time that the Scottish National Party strictly enforced fairness, equality and social justice within party?

Dear XYZ

“Thanks for replying George”.

If people treat me properly I have no problem going the extra mile for them, if they are just neutral to me, I have no problem in going the extra mile for them.

If they treated me badly, I don’t care who they are, even Salmond and Sturgeon, they can whistle for my help.

“Thanks also for filling in some of the detail of your grievances. I do not mean diminish the seriousness of that at all. Something went badly wrong for you”.

Thank you for accepting that I am talking to matters of fact.

“When I said 'but forget that' all I really meant is, that whatever troubles we as individuals are experiencing, in whatever area, we should leave that on the back burner, or even leave it in a former life, so that we can join together to work for a fairer, wealthier and independent Scotland. You worked hard for it in the past so you must be the real deal as someone who seeks independence for Scotland”.

I have been told by the former head of the GRA in the past that I was one of the hardest workers he had ever seen in the Scottish National Party.

“I am concerned that your blog, your public disagreements and your films are not helping the cause of independence”.

For any problem there is always a solution.

I recently put in a Data Subject Access Request, not only was it late, it was three times over the 40 day limit, sheer utter contempt by Peter Murrell, the husband of Nicola Sturgeon to add to the injustice already done to me.

And specific information requested not provided.

“The people of Scotland need the best communicators to be on their side. Otherwise we will miss the chance, a once in history chance, to help Scotland and her people rejoin the family of independent nations”.

I am a good communicator because I spent several decades giving talks, lectures and work shops to high performance athletes who have represented Scotland, England and Britain, even as high as the Olympics.

However I don’t go bragging about it, it is enough I know.

I am sure that if the SNP has any concerns about my opinions on my blog then they would contact me immediately and wait the “customary”, 120 days for a reply, from me.

I believe the SNP stand for independence but my experiences show me that the SNP don’t stand for fairness, equality and social justice.

Yes, I am in the party, but until they decide to do the decent thing, I will remain inactive and the SNP need all the help they can get, particularly since there is lack of talent in the party.

And I should know; I have spent considerable time attending their events, listening to them, and helping them get elected.

The Deputy Leader of Scottish Labour Anas Sarwar spoke to me three times at the Big Debate.

Once at reception, then came over to me at the end and made a point of shaking my hand as he did other members of the audience and when I exited, he spoke to me again saying “goodbye George”.

In Glasgow, I am well read all political parties, recently I blogged on Labour Councillor Sohan Singh, that he should be removed as Baillie, he jumped ship and resigned.

And my previous articles on Labour running a 'Labour Council of shame',may have helped bring them to realise they need to ditch councillors for the deadwood they are.

Every one of the BBC Big Debate panel knew me, Patrick Harvie, Ruth Davidson, Anas Sarwar and Nicola Sturgeon. Previously on Friday I was talking to Ruth Davidson, she was off to the pick up her dog at the Vets.

I believe the SNP stand for independence but my experiences show me that the SNP doesn’t stand for fairness, equality and social justice and that runs like a golden thread right down the party.

Lets see how long it takes for them to apologise for my ill treatment, I can wait, because it is a matter of principle.

For your information, I was one of the first people to turn up at Nicola Sturgeon’s election campaign for Holyrood.

When I asked her for a reference and help, not only did I not get a reference I didn’t even get the courtesy of a reply.

Not even the courtesy of a reply!

Last night I was ejected from an SNP meeting for turning up as a visitor by Glasgow SNP Councillor Mhairi Hunter, does that sound like the actions of an inclusive party?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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