Friday, May 25, 2012

Glasgow Labour Councillor Sohan Singh becomes the first Labour Councillor of Shame in Matheson administration, he operated as illegal landlord

Dear All

It was supposed to be a new start for the Glasgow Labour Party by kicking out the deadwood and replacing them with better.

Sohan Singh gets the George Laird award for being the First Labour Councillor of shame in the new Labour Council.

The award is recognition as operating as an illegal landlord for at least 11 months up until his election.

He is such a hero to his community.

Labour Councillor of shame Sohan Singh was renting out some of the 28 properties in a block of flats in the north of Glasgow which he bought from the city council for just £1 around 10 years ago.

This raises questions about how people seem to benefit from their association with political parties.

Of course Councillor Singh isn't the only deadbeat who became a councillor in May; other political parties have their quota as well.

So what prompted Labour Councillor of shame Sohan Singh to do the right thing?


He only registered after the intervention of a whistleblower led to officials pursuing him.

As well as the whistleblower complaining, a local housing association was also complaining to public spending watchdogs.

Earlier this month he became a Labour councillor for Springburn and last week was given the civic honour of being appointed a Baillie of Glasgow.

He should be stripped of the position of Baillie of Glasgow by the Council Leader immediately, Matheson needs to show leadership.

Landlord registration is a requirement of the Anti-Social Behaviour (Scotland) Act 2004.

If you fail to register that failure carries a maximum penalty of £50,000.

Given the vast extent of his property empire with 28 flats, he would have to be registered as a professional landlord.

Given he is an illegal landlord does anyone think he is capable of passing fit and proper person tests?

I certainly don’t.

Councillor Singh isn’t giving interviews and the people of Springburn have been let down, but looking at the candidates available standing in the Springburn ward with the exception of Councillor Greene, they are just party hacks.

In May 2011, George Gillespie, the assistant director of land and environmental services, wrote to a local councillor, saying:

"I can advise that the development is only partially completed. However, some flats are already occupied by tenants and difficulties have arisen with the temporary arrangements currently in place."

Sohan Singh should never have been passed as a Labour Candidate but it seems that money and connection talk in Glasgow politics.

New administration and one Labour Councillor steps out from the darkness.

As an Illegal slum landlord!

Matheson needs to get a grip immediately because failure to do so, leaves him open to charges of weakness.

If I was council leader I would fire Singh from the position of Baillie without a second thought.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. if Matheson does not the appropriate discipline then he should resign


