Saturday, May 26, 2012

Braveheart Alex Salmond’s indy launch turns out to be damp squid much like a badly organised concert party in ‘It Ain't Half Hot Mum’!

Dear All

The launch of the independence debate yesterday was rather like the protest outside the BBC today rather a damp squid.

Rather than 'The A Team' it looked more like 'The GAY Team' in nature.

As Alan Cummings took to the stage, he was joined by an odd assortment of characters.

Brian Cox stole the show as I understand it by ranting.

The “important” and rich people who are completely meaningless to the ordinary working class people of Scotland, this was their day with Alex Salmond.

The poet Liz Lochhead, singers Dougie MacLean and Lou Hickey and names from the past including former MSP Dennis Canavan and union leader Tommy Brennan!

All trooped on stage at Cineworld at Fountainbridge in Edinburgh to voice their support rather like a badly organised concert party in ‘It Ain't Half Hot Mum’.

The real draw of the show wasn’t there, Fountainbridge's most famous son, Sir Sean Connery.

The name is Bond, James Bond! (cue music).

His contribution was read out by Sweet Sixteen actor Martin Compston.

"This is a historic day for Scotland," it said. "The Yes campaign has centred on a positive vision for Scotland. It is rooted in inclusiveness, equality and that core democratic value that the people of Scotland are the best guardians of their own future."

Patently Mr. Connery doesn’t live in Scotland; Alex Salmond can’t even guarantee inclusiveness, equality and the core value of democracy within his own party that the people of Scotland would expect as a minimum.

Then came the presentation, included video clips from other supporters including The Proclaimers and businessman Sir George Mathewson.

Not relevant to the people of Scotland either.

Interestingly Martin Compston, who compered the event, told how he became a nationalist at the age of eight, after the 1992 election of John Major's Tory Government.

Hating Tories isn’t a reason to become a nationalist.

Compston recalled his "frustration" that Scotland would be "ruled by a Conservative Government the people of Scotland had not voted for".

Which beggar’s belief since the SNP in 2011 only received 45% of the people who voted, under his beliefs, the people of Scotland had not voted for an SNP Government either.

Perhaps that point eluded him that the majority of people in Scotland had not voted SNP in 2011.

He said:

"Now I'm a grown-up and we're in the same situation all over again”.

Expect him to be protesting outside Holyrood anytime soon!

Tommy Brennan!

Who is Tommy Brennan?

Apparently, he was involved in the campaign to save Ravenscraig steel works in Motherwell.

That failed.

Former Labour MP and Independent MSP Dennis Canavan also told how he had become a "convert" to independence.

His conversion was when the Labour Party refused to select him for Holyrood and the bad blood that ensued from that episode.

So, if people didn’t enjoy the concert party, then at least they were well positioned to go see the Avengers Movie, grab a drink and a hotdog.

It’s very good, all three!

The launch of the 'Yes’ campaign was a strangely underwhelming affair.

Let’s hope that the ‘It Ain't Half Hot Mum’ concert party don’t get taken on the road otherwise some people won’t even get a nickel for their mother!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. George,

    Great article by you, recently found your blog and am impressive by the straight talking nature of it.

  2. You didn't get an invite, how come?

  3. George
    Could you answer the question on how come you didn't get an invite to the independence launch.

  4. Jings a michty!
    Ah'll hiv tae vote SNP!
    Efter aw, ah seen aw they important peepul there!
    naebuddy invited Paw Broon either, or Big Hen.
