Monday, March 5, 2012

Scottish Lawyer Paul McBride found dead in Pakistan, he was only 48, a huge loss to his family and sad day for the Scottish Legal profession

Dear All

It is a great sadness that high-profile Scottish lawyer Paul McBride, QC has tragically died so young, there was a decent Judge potentially in him.

Paul McBride, QC was a controversial figure in Scottish Law for his outspoken views and his readiness to be frank and on occasion blunt.

I blogged on McBride on a few occasions, he had skill and was the kind of man you would want to have an argument with in a good sense.

Because you know that both sides wouldn’t be taken prisoners.

Paul McBride was only 48, was he found dead in his hotel room in the city of Lahore in Pakistan.

News of his lawyer's death was greeted with shocked disbelief and there had been no signs he was unwell when he left the UK.

A statement issued on behalf of Mr McBride's family said:

"Paul died in his sleep last night in a hotel in Pakistan."

It added:

"I understand Paul was found dead in bed this morning. He had been in Pakistan for a few days and I am uncertain when he was to return to Scotland."

First Minister Alex Salmond led the tributes last night, saying that Mr McBride would be "sorely missed" across all levels of Scottish public life.

He said:

"This is sad and shocking news. Paul McBride was an outstanding advocate, and a very substantial public figure in Scotland.

"Paul's genius lay not just in applying his first-class mind to the complex procedures of Scots law, but also his unrivalled ability to explain and promote the laws of Scotland to a wider public.

"His reservoir of talent was great indeed and I believe he had so much more to contribute to the law, and to the great debate on Scotland's future."

Johann Lamont, leader of the Scottish Labour Party, said:

"Paul McBride was one of the finest legal minds of his generation. While we didn't always agree, I always thought of him as a thoroughly decent man. When he entered the political debate he was always challenging and his intellect greatly enriched it. He will be missed."

Scottish Conservative Party chairman David Mundell MP said:

"He was a fiercely intelligent individual who was as passionate about politics as he was the law. Paul was a towering presence in Scottish public life, who was never afraid to speak out on the issues he cared about. Our thoughts at this time are with his family."

Willie Rennie, leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats, said:

"Cutting short Paul McBride's full and colourful life is so sad. Scotland will be a lesser place without him."

For his family this is truly a sad time that he has died so young with such a great future at his fingertips.

As most people have already commented, it is hard to believe that he is dead.

In my opinion, he would have made a decent Judge in the High Court, he was a great fighter and passionate about law rising to QC at the tender age of 35.

Pity, he is a huge loss for his family, the legal establishment and Scottish Justice.

So few people are worth arguing with because they lack the tools, Paul McBride was gifted.

It is a sad day.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Seems to have been a decent sort of fellow. God knows what he was doing in Pakistan with Aamer Anwar.

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