Thursday, February 23, 2012

Labour MP Eric Joyce is suspended from the Labour Party after claims he assaulted Tory MP Stuart Andrew in Commons bar, bar was 'full of Tories'!

Dear All

Whatever happened to Eric Joyce?

He is a Labour MP who at one point in his career looked like he would make a major breakthrough towards something more than just a backbencher.

Then a few incidents of infamy have left his career flat.

There were his massive expenses claims at Westminster, which he defended on Newsnight Scotland, when quizzed why he bought 3 paintings at £180 for his office, he said that they looked ‘nice’.

A PR disaster on live TV!

Then something more serious, his drink driving in Grangemouth were he crashed his car at a roundabout, then refused to provide Police with a specimen, fined £400 at court.

His marriage hit the rocks and things stared to go south, his rise to the top halted dead in its tracks.

Now, there is another serious incident, Labour MP Eric Joyce has been suspended from the Labour Party.

The reason is allegations of an assault in a House of Commons bar.

Although still an MP, the Labour whip has been removed, technically he is an independent until the completion of a police investigation into the affair.

Strange times indeed!

Scotland Yard confirmed that officers detained a man in his 50s after reports of an incident at a bar within the Palace of Westminster at around 10.50pm.

Joyce was taken into custody at a central London police station.

A Labour Party spokesman said:

"This is an extremely serious incident. We have suspended Eric Joyce pending the results of the police investigation."

When people start sticking the word ’extremely’ in front of ‘serious’, it gives you a clue into his possible continuing future as a Labour MP.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said:

"We were called at approximately 10.50pm last night to reports of a disturbance at a bar within the House of Commons. A man aged in his 50s was arrested by officers on suspicion of assault."

According to reports, it is alleged that Labour MP Eric Joyce attacked Conservative MP Stuart Andrew. Andrew was said to be have head-butted and punched in the incident.

Details at present as scarce and Joyce remains innocent until proven guilty, however if it is true this is no way to behave in public office, people expect MPs to adhere to the Nolan Principles of standards in public life.

The public can be very forgiving of politicians but it appears that Eric Joyce may need some kind of help.

An eyewitness who did not wish to be named told the website PoliticsHome that Mr Joyce 'just started lashing out at people' after complaining the bar was 'full of Tories'.

I hope this isn’t a defence he intends to use in law.

Speaking in the Commons after news of Mr Joyce's arrest, Speaker John Bercow said:

“Members will be aware of reports of a serious incident in the House last night. I have been informed by the Serjeant at Arms that the honourable member for Falkirk has been detained in police custody. The matter is being investigated. I take this matter very seriously, as do the House authorities. I would ask that no further reference should be made to these reports in the chamber today.”

I think it was right of Labour to suspend him, such an incident cannot be tolerated and much be dealt with in a firm and fair manner.

I am really disappointed in Eric Joyce; he is in a position to do some good, which is too good an opportunity to waste.

A real pity!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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