Friday, February 24, 2012

Labour cllr Jim Docherty attacks SNP Minister Alex Neil calling him the biggest P**** in Holyrood, totally wrong, SNP list MSP Bob Doris wins by mile!

Dear All

It seems that tensions are running high in the run up to the Council elections through-out Scotland.

A Labour councillor has taken the unusual step of referring to an SNP Minister as a "p****" on a social networking site called Twitter.

He has denied the slur was offensive.

Jim Docherty, a Labour councillor representing East Kilbride South on South Lanarkshire Council popped on to Twitter as you do, to do a quick ditto.

While on Twitter used his personal Twitter feed to post an attack on Alex Neil, the Scottish Government's Infrastructure and Capital Investment Secretary.

I have met Alex Neil, a few times he is one of the SNP who I wouldn’t regard as a P****!

The tweet read:

"Alex Neil MSP. M is for monkey S is for spare P is for P**** biggest in parliament."

This is an outrageous slur, because anyone who watches SNP MSPs would know that the biggest P**** in Parliament has to be Maryhill & Springburn list MSP Bob Doris.

So, where is the evidence?

Well, I sat in a meeting where Bob Doris said he would win the Holyrood 2011 election.

He lost and I walked out of his campaign because he was such a lazy bastard, he made Osama Saeed look like an Olympic athlete.

At the same meeting he implied that Alex Salmond might call him to offer him a Cabinet post.

Salmond isn’t mentally retarded.

Not only did Doris fail to win the Maryhill and Springburn seat against one of the weakest Labour Candidates, he didn’t become a Cabinet Minister or even get a Holyrood Convenership.

Post election, at the 'victory' celebration SNP branch meeting, he declared himself the MSP for Maryhill & Springburn, he isn't!

His 'reward' was to be stuck in Health and Sport Committee as Deputy Convener, how embarrassing, moved out of local government to make way for better candidates.

Enough evidence that Bob Doris is easily, easily, the biggest P**** in Holyrood!

Because Salmond stuck him in the ‘arsehole of the universe’ committee where he can do no harm, not that Doris has ideas to make Scotland better, but why take a chance.

Anyway back to our Labour chum, Docherty, When asked if he thought referring to a political rival as a "p****" was acceptable, Mr Docherty replied:

"My Twitter site has nothing to do with my role as a councillor or my standing in public life”.

Actually, Docherty is wrong, if you get elected to public office, the Nolan Principles apply all the time that you are in public office until you leave it.

Say what you like before, say what you like afterwards but you are restricted while in office.

That’s why there are standards in public life.

Docherty, probably because someone had a quiet word with him as removed the offending "p****" tweet.

Alex Neil said he was treating the incident "with the contempt it deserves".

But failed to add and point the finger at Bob Doris.

Alex Neil added:

He added:

"It's clear this man isn't fit to hold public office."

Much in the same way as SNP Council Candidates who run smear campaigns and attempt to rig SNP candidate selection!

A Scottish Labour spokesman said:

"Alex Neil has infuriated people in Lanarkshire by claiming the hard-working council staff were 'bloated' and famously refused to apologise for calling a Labour MP a Nazi, but we will remind Mr Docherty to express his opinions more eloquently in future."

Seems things are getting hot under the collar.

In a recent Newsnight Scotland interview Gordon Brewer openly mocked Bob Doris, well you would wouldn't you; he is such a P****!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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