Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Unrest among ‘University of Guantanemo Bay’ staff in Glasgow sees 60% of them remain unconvinced over radical reforms, what about running burger van?

Dear All

The majority have spoken at the ‘University of Guantanemo Bay’ in Glasgow run by corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli.

Human rights abusing Glasgow University is one of Scotland's oldest universities founded by a papel bull in 1453.

The year is 2012 and the bull is still there in two places, at the Vet School and out of the senior management’s mouth.

We can only hope they brush their teeth in the morning before breathing over anyone they come into contact with.

At ‘the bay’ there has been a series of measures introduced as part of a radical overhaul of its structures.

The staff have been less than impressed, in a poll at Glasgow University found some 60% were unconvinced the revamp had been beneficial.

And we should remember that corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli has already had a vote of no confidence passed against him but still he hangs about rather like a bad smell coming out of a septic tank with no chemicals in it.

After the revamp half of academics said they were unclear of what is expected of them.

Presumably work.

Last month, a report was written by Andrea Nolan who stated that officials from the university had over-reaching themselves in implementing the biggest shake-up of the institution for decades.

Big blue sky thinking is obviously a problem when not backed up with genuine genius.

An internal report by Andrea Nolan stated what everyone who has watched these characters knew that when they do something, rather than things going smoothly, it was destined to end in a f*ck up.

To replace nine academic faculties with four colleges in one year was "over-ambitious" especially in a crony ridden pit such as Glasgow University.

Tunnel vision caused the problems to be compounded due to the financial climate, which saw 264 staff hitting the bricks and leaving as the university declared that it had to save £20 million through cuts.

Add to that the continuation of a money grab scheme to attract overseas students and jack up their fees to ‘get an earner’ via 58 new mater’s degree programme.

Then came the big white elephant called mycampus, a £14 million student enrolment website which sank much like the titanic, because most of it didn’t work properly causing the staff to have a greater workload.

Then a mini ‘arab spring’ happened as the occupation of the Hetherington Research Club by students and a botched attempt to evict them hit the headlines.

Anton’s storm troopers aided by the Police raided the club and brought along a helicopter in case they needed air support, however the helicopter wasn’t armed and no one died however some students were allegedly slammed up against a wall.

Violence returned to the campus much like the bad old days of Stevenson Building run by the disgusting animal Julie Ommer and her staff thugs.

Machete in a staff locker anyone!

Perhaps Muscatelli will run with my idea that he sets up a burger van that way they can rip off the taxman much in the same way they rip off the working class.

Corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli Principal.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I don't think the Titanic ran aground George. It just hit a big ice cube and then sank ( a thousand miles approx from dry land)

  2. " When anyone asks me how I can best describe my experience in nearly forty years at sea, I merely say, uneventful. Of course there have been winter gales, and storms and fog and the like. But in all my experience, I have never been in any accident ... or any sort worth speaking about. I have seen but one vessel in distress in all my years at sea. I never saw a wreck and never have been wrecked nor was I ever in any predicament that threatened to end in disaster of any sort."

    Edward J. Smith, 1907
    Captain, RMS Titanic, 1912

    Will Mr Muscatelli ever meet his iceberg George ?

  3. Dear Bob

    "Will Mr Muscatelli ever meet his iceberg George?"

    I like to think so, friend says that people who do evil usually get back ten fold at some point.

    In the mean time, I will continually remind the public of his and others corrupt nature.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

    ps I have amended the post to 'sunk' rather than 'aground' for historical purposes and clarity

  4. I did some research on the Titanic George and it actually sank 450 miles from New York so my 'thousand miles' was a bit inaccurate.
    The captain was paid the equivalent of £120K in today's wages and the waiter's etc were on about £4K. Some things never change ;)
    It was the captain's last voyage before retirement.
    I won't bore you with the conspiracy theories ( not the Titanic that sunk, steered into the ice fields by onboard illuminatis wanting to kill certain folk on board etc...)

  5. Dear Bob

    “I did some research on the Titanic George and it actually sank 450 miles from New York so my 'thousand miles' was a bit inaccurate”.

    I am sure that no one will mind.

    “The captain was paid the equivalent of £120K in today's wages and the waiter's etc were on about £4K. Some things never change ;)”

    That is interesting as great depression is being compared to the current situation in the world today.

    Except we haven’t seen the worst yet!

    “It was the captain's last voyage before retirement”.

    Unfortunate but it just goes to show that accidents have no respect of personal circumstances.

    “I won't bore you with the conspiracy theories (not the Titanic that sunk, steered into the ice fields by onboard illuminatis wanting to kill certain folk on board etc...)”.

    Thank you for that.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  6. I sunk the Titanic, I was in charge, I take full responsibility.

  7. Mr Smith..

    Spoken like a true Brit and hero.
    Are you not deid though ?
    Were you illuminatied ?
