Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ex Tory Holyrood Candidate and Preacher John Smart jailed over campaign of child abuse, abit hard to sell a Scottish Tory membership now Ruth!

Dear All

Recently the Scottish Tories under Scotland’s Maggie Thatcher Ruth Davidson launched a membership drive.

Come join the Scottish Conservative they cried.

If anyone had taken up that offer previously, they might have run across Tory Holyrood Candidate John Smart.

He has just been jailed for eight years for a 15-year campaign of child abuse.

Come join the Scottish Tories?

No, thanks Ruth!

John Smart 48, preyed on three youngsters he met at the Edinburgh City Mission, this is an old tactic for paedophiles who work themselves into positions that gain them access to the vulnerable.

The scope of ‘Tory boy’s actions are extreme, as he abused one of his victims when the boy was just three years old.

After conviction Judge Lady Dorrian has placed Smart on the sex offenders' register and he is to be monitored in the community for three years after his release.

At the High Court in Glasgow, she told Smart:

"The social enquiry report points out that these offences were planned, intrusive and involved a significant degree of planning.

"Your victims were vulnerable. You pose a sufficiently significant risk to children to merit a lengthy sentence."

Solicitor advocate John Keenan, defending, said that Smart, a first offender, continued to protest his innocence.

The parents of his victims believed he was a devout Christian and as such he got access to take the youngsters to play parks and swimming pools.

Instead Smart, of Christian Crescent, Edinburgh, used the time alone with them to carry out the abuse.

Well, I guess this episode might focus minds why Scotland hates Tories; they prey on the vulnerable, the weak and defenceless.

I think Ruth Davidson might not be talking about Tory values and particularly Tory family values for a few weeks.

Might leave a bitter taste in the mouth of the Scottish public!

Murdo Fraser was right the Scottish Tories need to fold their tents and start again from scratch.

A 15-year campaign of child abuse, unbelievable but sadly not.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I have to agree with the first comment. The degrading and repulsive behaviour of this man surely cannot be generalised of all Tories. Frankly the implication is libellous and if not withdrawn might lead some of us to report it to the police as downright defamatory.
    If this is the level of 'informed argument' to which a HumanRights Group at Glasgow University descends, then that once august institution has indeed dumbed down appallingly. One would kindly request you to moderate your outbursts and argue more rationally and appositely and with a degree of sympathy for some children's personal tragedies.

  2. Dear Anon

    "The degrading and repulsive behaviour of this man surely cannot be generalised of all Tories. Frankly the implication is libellous and if not withdrawn might lead some of us to report it to the police as downright defamatory".

    Why don't you have a shot.

    The Police will tell you if they read my post that you don't have a case in law and they certainly won't do anything.

    If you are claiming defamation that is a civil matter not criminal.

    You maybe confusing defamation with the Protection from Harassment Act protocols.

    I haven't defamed you or harassed you or anyone else by this post.

    Please don't think because I am working class that I am somehow ignorant.

    Would you like another example of a Tory Candidate involved in assisting in a criminal fraud, bullying and discrimination?

    I haven't stated that all Tories are paedophiles which would be probmatic, I have stated that Scotland hates Tories, perhaps you should use the education pumped into your head at Skool!!!!!!

    Look forward to you putting up or shutting up re Police.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
