Monday, December 19, 2011

Glasgow Uni product Johann Lamont becomes Scottish Labour leader, Pollok Constituency is now unwinnable for any other political party even the SNP

Dear All

Johann Lamont has won the Scottish Labour Leadership contest.

It seems that the weakest candidate can rise to the top, Lamont is a Glasgow University product and if you ever watch her on Newsnight Scotland, she sounds awful.

However as Scottish Labour leader she has pretty much a ‘seat of life’ in Pollok, despite the SNP having a tsunami effect recently, however it wasn’t enough to topple her in the Labour stronghold, but it was close.

Now, she is leader her profile rises and so will personnel in the shape of activists as people want to be known by the leader.

Pollok is now unwinnable for any political party; no one in living memory as ever defeated the leader of a political party at an election.

In 2010 at the Westminster Campaign no one came close to Labour allowing Ian ‘the Deerhunter’ Davidson an easy stroll to the finish line.

Pollok is now unwinnable at Holyrood and Westminster for any candidate standing against them in political parties. It is a complete waste of time to be an activist in that area from another party other than Labour.

Now, the worst candidate is in place, Glasgow University product Johann Lamont has unveiled her front-bench appointments.

The leader in waiting, Ken Macintosh gets a top job for handling the finance, employment and sustainable growth remit.

Ken Macintosh won the votes of the grassroots and was then beaten in the contest on Saturday.

Ms Lamont, MSP for Glasgow Pollok, said she will set out a positive vision for a "fair" Scotland.

This will be a challenge as she and the rest sat on their hands for the entire duration of the last Holyrood term doing absolutely nothing but spin and gimmicks.

In political terms, the reality generated was that Scottish Labour wasn’t seen as a credible alternative.

Lamont said:

"My shadow cabinet will be inclusive, bringing together experienced former ministers and newer voices to speak on the important issues for Scotland. Our job will not just be to hold the Scottish Government to account, but to show our party's ambition again. Together we must set out and convince the people of Scotland of Labour's vision for our country. Ours is a positive vision for a prosperous Scotland that can pay its own way, a wealth-creating Scotland that uses its wealth to build a fairer country, a Scotland determined that not one person's talent is wasted, a Scotland that challenges all Scots to be all that they can be, and which creates the conditions in which we can reach our aspirations. My shadow cabinet will comprise elected politicians and also experts in their fields from all walks of life to advise, share experience and help shape the future of our country. I will make more appointments in the coming weeks and months."

The reason for bring in outsiders to her team is that ‘the pool’ is very limited.

Hugh Henry becomes spokesman for education and lifelong learning.

Jackie Baillie stays in charge of health.

Patricia Ferguson will be spokeswoman for culture, external affairs and the Commonwealth Games.

Richard Baker becomes spokesman for infrastructure and capital investment.

Lewis Macdonald was appointed justice spokesman.

Sarah Boyack becomes spokeswoman for local government and planning.

Claire Baker becomes spokeswoman for rural affairs and environment.

Paul Martin remains parliamentary business manager.

James Kelly is the chief whip.

After the first round of counting, Lamont had 51.77% of the votes, Macintosh had 40.28% and Glasgow South MP Tom Harris trailed a very poor third with only 7.95%.

Harris was the best at presentation and had presence but his problem was he wasn’t in the Holyrood clique and the real battle in Scotland is at Holyrood in the Chamber on the ‘shop floor’.

Lamont because of restructure is the first person to lead the whole of the party in Scotland, rather than just the Holyrood group, following changes since the review by Jim Murphy to the party structure.

So, has Glasgow University product the skills to take on Alex Salmond in mental combat?

She is a poor choice and doesn’t look like a First Minister in waiting.

However, she has a job for life as Pollok MSP now that she is leader, people will flock to her because it may help their political careers.

Anyone standing against Johann Lamont in Pollok is just pissing £500 up against the wall and wasted their time.

Lamont has a walkthrough.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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