Monday, November 7, 2011

Ruth Davidson gets elected Scottish Tory leader, top QC resigns stating: "They have replaced one nice woman with one not so very nice woman."

Dear All

Ruth Davidson has been elected the Scottish Tories new leader that was a serious mistake.

For other parties such as the SNP, it is a gift, Davidson’s election effectively neutralises the Tories completely.

Not that they had much of a support anyway but they did have a brand name, unfortunately for them its so toxic that as Murdo Fraser put it, they have to start again.

The first piece of bad news is that a high-profile QC, Paul McBride has left the Scottish Conservatives with a quick sideswipe at Davidson.

Paul McBride very quickly resigned after Ruth Davidson was elected.

Already a vote of no confidence in her, she is a carpetbagger.

Ruth Davidson is publicly unelectable and has only been a list MSP since May this year.

She has no experience to speak of, the rank and file members made a mistake, they took the guff that as the ‘fresh faced’ candidate she has vision.

No she doesn’t.

McBride was holding back when he fired off a broadside at Davidson's campaign manager, MSP John Lamont, who is also the party's justice spokesman.

He is pathetic in that role, tried old dogma.

McBride said:

"The Scottish Conservative party stands for nothing and opposes everything, they are in terminal decline."

An excellent analogy of the current unsustainable situation facing the Tories!

And he gets better on a roll with a sharp witty putdown:

"They have replaced one nice woman with one not so very nice woman."

Although not a fan of McBride, he does on occasion travel the path of George Laird radical vision and thinking.

McBride later added:

"The Scottish Tories are no friends of the people of Scotland”.

We knew that since the days of Thatcher.

"The MSP group is divided and dysfunctional. Their only policy is to oppose everything and contribute nothing. Half the membership wants the party abolished and 87% of the electorate despise them. Their naked opportunism regarding the minimum pricing bill and the offensive behaviour bill demonstrates why they will remain unelectable."

McBride homes in on issues close to his heart, but their whole social policies don’t connect with ordinary people at all.

Ruth Davidson is a leader with no MSP mandate, she is the cuckoo in the nest; she will not change the Scottish Tories’ fortunes.

To repeat Paul McBride again, because it is so good:

"They have replaced one nice woman with one not so very nice woman."

Quite so sir!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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