Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Guest post: Glasgow Councillor Andy Muir writes to set the record straight on his future involvement in Glasgow City Council

Dear George,

Contrary to certain newspaper articles, as I have not indicated my intention to resign or will resign, I plan to attend all meetings of the City of Glasgow Licensing Board as a Board Member under the terms set out in the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005.

Before reaching this decision I consulted with the Chief Solicitor to Glasgow City Council and have been advised I act within the Licensing (Scotland ) Act 2005.

Moreover, I had this advice confirmed with an external legal licensing lawyer.

However, seeing as I was not consulted in any manner, has the Labour Group and the Business Manager acted within the terms of the said Act?

Yours sincerely

Councillor Andy Muir
Scottish Labour
Glasgow City Council

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