Wednesday, October 26, 2011

SNP MP Dr. Eilidh Whiteford withdraws from Commons Scottish Affairs Committee after alleged ‘threat’ by Labour MP Ian ‘the Deerhunter’ Davidson

Dear All

There is never a dull moment in politics, it’s a nasty vicious game populated by nasty vicious self serving people.

The latest revelation is that an SNP MP called Dr Eilidh Whiteford has stood down from a parliamentary committee after accusing its chairman, Ian ‘the Deerhunter’ Davidson of threatening and intimidating her.

Allegedly Ms. Whiteford said Ian Davidson made remarks about her “getting a doing” during a private session of the Commons Scottish Affairs Committee at Westminster.

Such was the shock that Ms. Whiteford has stepped down from the Commons Scottish Affairs Committee.

In response to the alleged ‘threat’, the SNP has said it will not put up another MP to sit on the committee.

They want Ian Davidson, the chairman to step down, this isn’t going to happen, and if anyone is naïve to think so, they are just stupid.

The unfortunate departure of Ms. Whiteford of the SNP means that it will be only the Labour MPs who will defend the Scottish people.

After the row escalated Labour sources hit back last night by flinging in the accusation that the incident had the “hallmarks of an SNP ambush”.

They also questioned why Ms Whiteford waited almost a week to make her complaint.

I would like to know that since Ms. Whiteford is claiming she was threatened, has she made a formal complaint to the Police.

If this is a genuine complaint, I would expect as a minimum a complaint to the Police.

In defending Davidson of sorts, other members of the committee said they were “surprised” at the allegations as they did not recall hearing such a remark.

This would tend to suggest that in the event of a Police investigation, it may prove incredibly difficult to gather enough evidence to proceed.

As for internal support from the rest of the Commons Scottish Affairs Committee that appears to be lacking, totally lacking.

Simon Reevell, the MP for Dewsbury, and a Conservative member of the committee, said he couldn’t remember the alleged incident.

He added:

“I was quite surprised at the allegation because I wasn’t aware of anything being said at the time.”

Jim McGovern, the Labour MP for Dundee and another member of the committee, also said he did not recall such a remark being made.

A spokesman for Scottish Labour said:

“We will look carefully at these allegations and make a full statement later.”

A Labour source added:

“It is reprehensible. This has all the hallmarks of a smear campaign. This is the third time the SNP has called for Ian Davidson to resign. Ever since the committee started its investigation into the independence referendum, and began asking hard questions, they have been desperate to discredit him.”

I find it interesting that the Labour Party at this present time is talking about SNP smear campaigns.

And I am sure that First Minister Alex Salmond, Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Chief Executive, Peter Murrell and Ian McCann; Corporate Governance & Compliance Manager will be taking a close interest in this as they would with anyone who has been a victim of a SNP smear campaign.

I would expect Ms Whiteford to file a complaint with the Police if this is a genuine complaint.

To further highlight the nasty nature of politicians, here is a story from the Westminster 2010 campaign.

Glasgow Councillor:

“Why aren’t you doing ballot box sampling?”


“Don’t I do enough work for the party”?

Glasgow Councillor:

“I have been up for three days working from 8 am to 12 am, so don’t give me any of your fucking crap”!

Yes, politics is a nasty enterprise populated with thoroughly nasty, petty malicious people.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. "Campaign for Human Rights"

    But not those of women in a male-dominated environment, apparently.

    No longer on my list Mr Laird. I'm disappointed

  2. Dear Edna Caine

    "Campaign for Human Rights"

    But not those of women in a male-dominated environment, apparently”.

    Unfortunately, you have misread my article, allow me to explain.

    I am fully supporting Ms. Whiteford if she is going to make a formal complaint to the Police.

    After all she has repeatedly claimed she was threatened and therefore the victim of crime.

    “No longer on my list Mr Laird. I'm disappointed”.

    I am sorry you aren’t willing to support a woman who alleges she is a victim of crime, but that is your personal choice.

    I take it you are a Labour supporter?

    Finally on average, I get between 8,000 to 10,000 people a month visiting my site, I can afford to lose you.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. Mr Laird,

    I did read your article in some depth and I think it is you who has misread my comment.

    To quote -
    "I am fully supporting Ms. Whiteford if she is going to make a formal complaint to the Police".

    From this comment I assume you are unable to support her if a complaint is not made, despite you saying in your article " the event of a Police investigation, it may prove incredibly difficult to gather enough evidence to proceed". I find your position a weak one - if boorish threats issued by wannabe "hard-men" can be excused if the victim does not report them to the police then such low-lifes can get away with anything. In any case, Westminster has its own methods of dealing with such behaviour and shuns the attentions of HMC, with good reason. Don't give up on all politicians, some just might have their constituents' interests at heart (maybe not the Glasgow ones though).

    Mr Davidson's behaviour in this instance is indefensible in his position as chair of a Parliamentary Committee but I am not sure that he is guilty of a "crime". In my view Ms. Whiteford is not a victim of "crime", yet. What she has been exposed to is work-place bullying by a person in a position of authority. For bullying to become criminal it must be persistent, long-term and endorsed by senior authority to the injury of the victim. Most incidences that reach this stage are settled by tribunal or civil action and rarely by criminal proceedings. Davidson is a wimp posing as a thug and a hard-man. When he is put up before any sort of examination his shortcomings become apparent.

    I presume your idea of dealing with bullying in the work environment is that it OK unless it is reported to the police? I do not know what work environments you have experience of but I am glad they are not mine.

    How you can mistake me for a Labour supporter? I suppose it is understandable. I am a committed Socialist who tolerates Democratic Socialism and therefore loathe and despise the present day "Labour" Party. So you take it wrong. Being resident in England, I am currently totally disenfranchised.

    I still think your article is unsupportive of Ms. Whiteford and fails to recognise that some politicians may not be interested in just the "nasty vicious game populated by nasty vicious self serving people". Some may indeed be trying to change the rules of the game.

    Remember, The Deerhunter eventually destroyed himself.

    P.S. I'm glad you have 8-10k visiting your site every month. It's well-deserved and I appreciate you taking the time to respond to me. I apologise for my over-reaction and I shall continue to read your articles. The one today about this issue I enjoyed but I still think criminal proceedings are unlikely.
