Friday, September 16, 2011

Halle Berry brings a touch of Hollywood A list class to Glasgow City Centre and a water bottle, it's chilly!

Dear All

Recently Brad Pitt filmed his movie World War Z, the zombie flick; it was a great boost to the city.

Now, in true Hollywood style, another production hits the city.

You wait years for one Hollywood star to show up, and then two turn up at once, who will be the third?

Halle Berry is in town to shoot scenes for her latest film.

The star was spotted in Douglas Street, near the city centre and if you want the cost effective film tour, jump a number 9 bus and then get off, the film trucks are there.

Glasgow is doubling for the hills of San Francisco for the next few days.

Halle Berry is filming a segment of the £62 million blockbuster Cloud Atlas.

Also starring in the movie are Tom Hanks, Hugh Grant and James McAvoy, but only Berry is expected to appear in Scotland.

Cloud Atlas is based on the best-selling book by David Mitchell and is being directed by the Wachowski brothers.

They have good track record, they made the Matrix trilogy and brought it to the big screen.

So, its lights cameras and action!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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