Monday, September 19, 2011

Ex-Labour MSP Wendy Alexander left politics to spend more time with her kids, now she joins think-tank and sets up business, George Laird right again!

Dear All

Do you remember when Wendy Alexander stepped down as a Labour MSP?

She wanted to spend more time with her children.

17 months down the line as I suspected, Wendy Alexander has found herself another position.

She joins three other ex-MSPs who have joined the advisory board of the independent think-tank, Reform Scotland.

As well as that she has set up a business called Wendy Alexander Associates Limited which she runs from her own home.

Alexander is one of five new board members at Reform Scotland.

The others are former Scottish Government minister Jim Mather, former Scottish Conservative finance spokesman Derek Brownlee, Jeremy Purvis, former Scottish Liberal Democrat economy and finance spokesman, and Martin Sime, chief executive of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO).

Reform Scotland chairman Ben Thomson said:

"I am delighted and thrilled that Wendy, Jim, Martin, Derek and Jeremy have joined our team. All five have played key roles at the heart of Scottish public life and have a great deal to offer us as an agenda-setting think tank and to Scotland itself.”

I was right, Alexander isn’t going away; she is possibly using this as a platform to launch herself towards quangoland or charity organisations.

Nothing changes and she is oh so predictable.

Alexander said:

"Scotland needs a rich tapestry of think-tanks and policy institutes to spark our imagination. Reform Scotland is a leader in terms of fresh thinking. The board brings together those from across business and politics with a wide range of perspectives. I am delighted to make a contribution to its valuable work."

Looking at her track record of the GHA failure, Reform Scotland must be so desperate if they are taking her.

It’s a stepping stone.

On the bright side, it may get her out of the Virgin Active gym at Finneston, a favourite haunt of hers as an Labour MSP.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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