Thursday, September 29, 2011

BBC chief Lord Patten says job losses ‘not the end of the world’, try telling that to the wives and husbands of the 150 people facing the sack!

Dear All

Here is a bold statement.

BBC Trust chairman Lord Patten has warned there will be job losses at the corporation but said:

“It’s not the end of the world; this isn’t the slaughter of the first-born.”

Try saying that to the poor bastard who is left high and dry without the ability to pay his mortgage or feed his family!

Patten, the former governor of Hong Kong was speaking at BBC Scotland’s HQ at Pacific Quay in Glasgow, where the trust is spending two days discussing savings north of the Border.

Cuts are said to be in the region of a whopping and soul destroying 20%.

150 BBC jobs in Scotland could go bye bye!

One of the high-profile programmes under threat is River City.

River City is important because it provides work for people in Scotland, so I support it, even although I can’t stand it.

To me it is Cringe TV.

However, during a question and answer session attended by the BBC Trust chairman, BBC Scotland director Ken MacQuarrie told staff:

“We have no plans to cut River City; I can make that absolutely clear.”

Make of that as you will, one thing I have found is that people promise one thing and sometimes deliver something else.

People at River City should prepare for the worse and look elsewhere, just in case.

Lord Patten said concerns about the soap’s future are “slightly far-fetched” but chipped in that there would be more repeats on television.


Bring back Friday night double bills of horror films on BBC2.

Patten told The Herald:

“It’s tough, and alas some people will lose their jobs, so you cannot make light of it. But it’s not the end of the world; this isn’t the slaughter of the first-born. There are some real jewels in the crown which we have got to preserve but we’re not going to be able to do everything, as we’ve had to show already. We had to reach a deal with Sky over broadcasting Formula 1 – we just couldn’t afford to do it ourselves. So we will have to make some changes. We won’t be able to spend quite as much money on entertainment but I hope we’ll be able to preserve the very best quality in news, dramas, children’s (programmes), the presentation of national events, and service to the nations and regions, because we’re the only people doing that.”
Not much comfort to those getting pumped.

‘Don’t worry darling we can still watch Formula 1 together’!

So, that axe is falling and 150 people are going to be going to the wall, it’s a small Scottish pond so in order to get work they may have to move.

Maybe some bright spark will bring back Star Trek, BBC 1 at 7 pm on a Monday night, we can only hope.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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